Newbie Communication

When I go to most churches, even my own, I try to see everything as if I’m a newbie. Most of the time that’s not hard as I travel across the nation. Recently I was in a mid-sized church where the pastor delivered an eloquent sermon on the need for making connections in the […]

How to Interview an Executive Pastor Candidate

A growing trend among mid-size to large churches is the role of executive pastor. We’ve found that many pastors who have a flair for creativity often lack organizational, administrative, and oversight skills. They like to spark ideas and ministries, motivate people to action, and then move on to something else – thus the emergence of the […]

How to Engage Digitally: Social Media Strategy for Churches

As a church leader, you understand the importance of engaging every visitor. Expanding your congregation and the reach of your mission requires effective outreach. 

Social media is an effective tool for connecting with church members and is becoming increasingly popular in the world of marketing. If your church wants to keep up, you’ll need a […]

The Consumer Church Metaphor

Church members don’t generally want to have their church compared to a business, but sometimes they just can’t help themselves and they fall into the metaphor themselves.

The board meeting had a motion on the floor to upgrade the brand of Sunday morning coffee to one that was more appealing to the younger generation that […]

Five Books For The 21st Century

I’ve always been a voracious reader, so I encourage pastors to read a minimum of ten books a month. I was glad to read a blog from Rick Warren titled “To Be a Great Leader You Absolutely Must Be a Reader.” You can see the article here.

However, I remember when I was a pastor […]

A Jobless Recovery

The latest edition of Leadership Network Advance had this headline – Freeze of Hire! The headline followed with examples of how some churches are handling the economic crunch the country is experiencing today.

It wasn’t long ago a survey was done by I forget who, but they were reputable, in which the conclusion was drawn […]

Breaking Through to a New Sense of Mission

Leading congregational leaders to deepening their spiritual discipline and breaking through to a new sense of mission…a story…

What happens when denominational issues impact upon the local congregation? What happens when these issues cause people to leave and de-stabilize the congregation? What happens when the Senior Minister decides to leave and takes significant leadership and […]

Four Key Strategies That Will Grow Your Church

Growing a church isn’t about finding a magic bullet or the latest trendy program. It’s about focusing on what truly matters. After decades of working with churches across the nation, I’ve found that sustainable church growth boils down to four core processes: Invite, Connect, Disciple, and Send. Bill Easum and I wrote about these […]

Living into Your Mission Statement

Over the past few decades, the idea of having a mission statement has been the topic of many an article and even some books. By now, most churches, growing or dying, have one. The question is, do they help? It depends on whether or not the pastor and church are living into them.  What […]