The Missing Piece to Spiritual Maturity

The fall is the traditional time for many churches to do their annual stewardship drive, if they still do them. So during this time of the year churches are searching for an effective stewardship program. But we know from experience that most stewardship programs lose their effect after two or three years, so the […]

Tools We Use: CoSchedule

Sometimes we get asked about the tools we use to do the things we do. This afternoon I was creating and scheduling some social media updates for the upcoming week and realized that there are quite a number of the church leaders we work with who are still doing social updates by hand.

Because all of […]

A Time for Giving

Two of the most important celebrations of the year, Thanksgiving and Christmas, happen at this season. During these times, workers jockey for time off, families come together from all over the country or world, food is prominent, and hopefully a good time will be had by all. I know, this isn’t starting out as […]

How to Create a Budget for Your Church: 4 Best Practices

As a church leader, you know how important it is for your church to effectively steward its resources. After all, you can only serve the community and engage your congregation if you have the necessary funding for your mission-driven activities!

Accounting best practices provide a framework for managing your church’s finances, and one critical element […]

A Christmas Eve Church Fantasy… or Not

Several years ago, I wrote the following Christmas Eve fantasy account. It was a compilation of some of the Christmas Eve hospitality practices that I’ve experienced in churches I’ve led as well as some things that I’ve seen in other churches. Since it was published, I’ve heard of several churches who have taken on […]

Parabolic Preaching

I had an opportunity to visit a local mega church (about 2,500 AWA*) recently on one of their “special event” Sundays. The service was touted as an “Arts” event and they had four worship services at one campus and one more at their satellite service. The service was one of excellence, as one would […]

Dan Tapscott, Growing Up Digital

Tapscott, DanGrowing Up Digital

(New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 1998), 338 pages, hardback, $22.95. Obtain from McGraw-Hill, 800-262-4729.

This book just made my top ten best list for the 1990’s. I give it four stars. Finally, a book about the millennial generation that makes sense. Tapscott calls them the N-Gen for Net Generation. He uses the dates […]

Does Every Group Need a Leader?

I received an email today from a client asking me if every group, even a micro group, needed an identified leader. Here is my response.It’s been my experience that no group functions at its peak without an identified leader. Even in a group of three or four, someone will emerge as first among equals […]

Church Reputation: The Key to Church Growth and Attracting Visitors

The Transformative Power of Reputation

In the vast landscape of community institutions, churches hold a unique position. They are places of worship, community gathering, and often, outreach. Yet, despite their pivotal role, many churches remain virtually unknown in their communities. The key to bridging this gap and fostering growth? Building a solid reputation.

The Stark Reality: […]