Role of Lay Leadership

The Key to Understanding Today’s World and the Role of the Church

 Two metaphors will guide us – The National Park and The Jungle.  Everyone born before 1980 was born in the National Park world.  Everyone born after that was born into The Jungle.  Here are the differences:

The National Park

•        Is neatly laid out

•        Predictable […]

What To Do With Those Who Remain

I’m a big Carey Nieuwhof fan. He produces some of the most thoughtful and relevant content for North American church pastors and I appreciate what he has to say. This morning one of his blogs didn’t just catch my attention, it caused me to pause. In “Why They’re Not Coming Back to Church (and […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Turning Mainline Decline to a Multiplication Movement

Mainline churches are at a crossroads – either they wake up to the major trend of our time or they will continue to be irrelevant or, worse yet, go out of existence.

What trend am I talking about? I’m talking about multiplication. Instead of struggling to stay afloat mainline church leaders should learn how to […]

Discipleship in a Data Dump Culture

The average Christian’s understanding of discipleship is incredibly inaccurate. Most Christians tend to think of it as something you learn from a course. But nothing could be further from the truth. Let me explain.

I’m a United Methodist. We have a program called Disciple Bible. The program was designed by a member of my staff, […]

We’re At A Crossroads

Which Way to Turn?

Mainline churches are at a crossroads – either they wake up to the major trend of our time or they will continue to be irrelevant or, worse yet, go out of existence.

What trend am I talking about? I’m talking about multiplication. Instead of struggling to stay afloat mainline church leaders should learn […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication Part Five: A Conversation with Ralph Moore

I just got off the phone from a delightful conversation with Ralph Moore, pastor of Hope Chapel in Honolulu. Ralph is a 70-year-old, humble hippie who is planting the third Hope Chapel and is responsible directly or indirectly for more than 1,000 church plants. I was struck by his humble, straightforward way of sharing both himself […]

Seven Lessons from an Interview with Ralph Moore

Ralph Moore, pastor of Hope Chapel in Honolulu, is a 70-year-old, humble hippie who is planting the third Hope Chapel in Hawaii. Ralph is responsible, directly or indirectly, for more than 1,000 church plants. I was struck by his humble, straightforward way of sharing both himself and what he has learned.

Here is what I learned […]

Brian McLaren, Generous Orthodoxy

Generous OrthododoxyBrian McLaren

Finally a book that puts into words feelings I’ve had for a long time – there has to be more to Jesus than Christianity and there has to be more to Christianity than the church. I’m sick to death of the willy nilly way we live out both.. As they are thought […]

Focus Interviews Searching for Clergy and Staff Leadership: Part 3 of 3

Search committees are always looking for pastors and additional staff, but they need to know the difference between mission-driven leadership and maintenance-drive leadership. Here is the first set of distinctions you need to make in your interviews:

I am in a therapeutic process          I am charging ahead with clarity of purpose

Ministry is a stage in life                  […]