Becoming an Inside Out Church

“Oh, that God the gift would give us
to  see ourselves as others see us”
Robert Burnes

The Declining Church

Tom Bandy observed, during his recent visit to Australia, that the decline of mainstream institutional Christianity was about ten years more advanced than in the USA and that some of the Australian responses to the “crisis” might be […]

The Five Tasks of a Successful Lead Pastor

This week I want to talk about the multifaceted role of a successful lead pastor in the Post-Covid Church. To begin with, though, I’d like us to get one thing straight: as the lead pastor, you’re the captain of the church ship. Everything from the high seas of worship to the nitty-gritty of budgeting […]

Living with or Ministering to a Stroke Victim

I’m sure some of my acquaintances will tell me I shouldn’t have posted this to my blog. They may be right but I feel compelled to post it because it might help someone.  Isn’t that what Christians are supposed to do? I want to help anyone who has a spouse who has had a […]

A Smooth as Glass Restart

...congregation did right was calling a pastor they had confidence in. A successful church transformation always starts with a new pastor. Sometimes, as in this case, the new pastor comes...

Job Placement for Youth Pastors

Why Church Plants Don’t Reach Their Potential

Why Church Plants Don’t Reach Their Potential

By: Bill Easum

My hearts aches.

Too many new church plants either don’t make it past eighteen months or remain so small they can barely survive, much less thrive. Why do so many church plants not reach their potential?

It certainly isn’t because they don’t try or don’t care. Church planters […]

Looking for the Living Among the Dead

The second church I pastored was a small church of about two hundred in worship in the Rio Grande Valley. The week before my first Easter the Chairperson of the Board came to my office to ask me what turned out to be a very important question (not all of his questions were worth […]

7 Steps to Effectively Follow Up


Hopefully Christmas Eve was the largest attended service you had in 2023.

If you had a larger than normal crowd on Christmas Eve, praise God, that’s wonderful. Many got to hear the good news of great joy for all people, but that’s not the end of the story. It’s just the beginning. How we follow […]

Let Go…

We live in a world of constant change. As we go through our daily lives, we live in uncertainty, never knowing for sure what tomorrow could bring. Forget tomorrow, often we don’t know what the next hour will bring.

In addition to uncertainty, we deal with the speed of a fast and furiously paced life. […]