The Benedictine Rule of Leadership

Craig Galbraith, Oliver Galbraith

This book contains classic management secrets that anyone in leadership will benefit from.  The Rule contained the first complete management system in the Western world. The beauty of The Rule is that it has withstood the test of time and is as valid today as it was fifteen centuries ago.

As a […]

Guided Capital Campaigns

For the week of June 13, 2005

Guided Capital Campaigns

By: Tom Bandy

Every statistic, and every experience, verifies the fact that professionally guided capital campaigns always raise more money than internal campaigns designed and led by amateurs. But how do you know if your capital campaign needs a professional?

The rule of thumb is that any manageable, […]

The Long Game

One of the most frustrating realities about a turnaround is that it takes more time to get ready for a successful turnaround than it does to grow a church. 

Let me explain.

There are Several Ways to Grow a Church

Give me a big enough budget and I can fill your church I don’t care how many […]

Shared Congregational Leadership Doesn’t Work

Recently, I received an email from a member of our Advanced Leadership forum asking an excellent question that many pastors ask. Here it is.

“I just received George Barna’s latest e-news where he has an article ’30 Respected Leaders Weigh in on What It Takes to be a Master Leader.’ I want to shift the focus from […]

Are You a Scattered Pastor?

Hey Pastor … we’ve all been there – feeling like we’re being pulled and scattered in a million different directions, trying to juggle a dozen balls and inevitably dropping half of them. It’s a common scenario in our line of work, right? On a good day, we start our day with a clear […]

In the Wake of Complexity

The most profound change during my lifetime has been the shift from a mechanical to an organic worldview. My partner, Tom Bandy, and I have written extensively on this shift because it is changing the way every effective discipline views reality.* For Christian leaders this shift requires changing from being a mechanic to a […]

Unplugging from Cable

I was with my grandson … 13 years-old … yesterday and he asked grandma and I, “Do you have cable?” I admitted we did and he responded:

How can you stand cable and all those commercials? I hate commercials!

To be fair, so do I. In fact, my Kansas City apartment is completely unplugged from commercial […]

Flip Your Church Step 3: Develop Congregational Unity

For some, the thought of congregational unity may be more like a fantasy than a vision of reality, and yet there are churches dotted across the nation that are not only missionally aligned, but they are unified in all they do. That doesn’t mean the members are all automatons or that everyone agrees with everything. […]

Do You Measure Up?

How you measure up as a leader is largely determined by what it is you measure. It turns out, one of the differences between an average leader and a great leader can be found by looking at what they put on their spreadsheets.

Actually, that’s a bit misleading. Most of the important measurements don’t actually fit […]