Burke, Spencer, Making Sense of Church

Grand Rapids, MI, Zondervan, 2003), 173 pages, paperback, $16.99.  (Obtain from Zondervan, 5300 Patterson Avenue SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49530.)

A really good book, but you have to like reading emails. The book is a combination of emails received on www.theooze.com and Spencer Burke’s comments and dialogue, which are excellent.  Spencer does a good job of debunking the hero […]

Boren, Scott, Making Cell Groups Work

(Houston, TX, Cell Group Resources, 2002) 423 pages, paperback, $14.99. (Obtain from Cell Group Resources, a book-publishing division of TOUCH Outreach Ministries, P.O. Box 19888, Houston, TX 77224-9888 or www.touchusa.org)

Those who are doing cell, house, or small group ministry will find this to be one of the most practical, useful, and complete books on […]

Clapp, Rodney, A Peculiar People

(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1996) 251 pages, paperback, $14.99. Obtain from InterVarsity Press 630-734-4000. www.ivpress.com

In his pursuit of the church in a post-Constantina, post-modern culture, Clapp lays bare some of the major myths concerning the church and offers us a picture of the church as a way of life. All spectrums of the […]

C. Peter Wagner, Churchquake!

Wagner, C. PeterChurchquake!,

Churchquake!, by C. Peter Wagner (Ventura, CA, Regal Books, A Division of Gospel Light, 1999) 276 pages, hardback, $12.99. (Obtain from Regal Books, A Division of Gospel Light, www.gospellight.com)

A book you should beg, borrow, or steal.  C. Peter Wagner sees a new movement of God emerging that he calls the New Apostolic Reformation.  A […]


Let me inject a word of caution taking this whole issue to seriously. It is one thing to go to great lengths to make the nursery secure from non-custodial parents kidnapping their own kids or a pedophile molesting a child. it is another thing for churches to put bars on the windows and doors […]

Mission Successes Requires Effective Invitation

You Are Formally Invited

Imagine. The day you’ve dreamt of since your daughter’s birth is finally here. It’s her wedding day! You have spent months preparing, taking your “Father/Mother of the Bride” role to superhero proportions. Now, the church is decorated and the caterer is setting up a gourmet feast in the reception hall. You’ve […]

The Four Secrets to Team-Based Ministry

By Dave Ferguson of Community Christian Church

There are some things you would never say out loud; even though you know they are true. The reason you don’t say them out loud is (despite the fact they are true) they just don’t sound right. If you uttered these secrets people will probably misunderstand you. In […]

Team Based Ministry


By Dave Ferguson of Community Christian Church

There are some things you would never say out loud; even though you know they are true. The reason you don’t say them out loud is (despite the fact they are true) they just don’t sound right. If you uttered these secrets […]

Disciple has Too Much Baggage to Be Effective

I’m constantly asked, “What’s the best curriculum for leadership development or discipleship?” as if either one is something that can be taught and learned in a course. My response is always the same – “You are the curriculum.”

I often get a blank stare because in the West we think of everything as if it […]