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Developing the Leaders Under Your Nose

I suppose it’s out there somewhere, but I’ve never found it: the church that has more leaders than it knows what to do with. In fact, most churches I visit have a leadership vacuum. There appears to be more ministries and missions than there are dedicated disciples willing to lead them.

How can your church […]

What Will It Take For Mainline Denominations To Grow Again?

Nobody will argue that mainline denominations are in decline. It doesn’t matter if the decline is 80 percent or 65 percent as suggested by a recent Barna study, mainline denominations are seeing fewer and fewer people in the pews. This decline begs a question – “What will it take to turn this decline around?”

Like […]

An Example of Communion Instructions

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This is one of the best guest-friendly introductions to communion I’ve seen. Notice that Pastor Ted tells the congregation virtually every detail of how to receive communion.

It’s also a good example of a lightened version of the Lutheran Liturgy for the Eucharist.

Exceptional Practices of Note:

Virtually nothing is left to chance […]

Virtual Discipleship: Part 02

Online discipleship presents some significant challenges, not the least of which is “We’ve never done it that way before!” In Part 01, we looked at some of the ways you can get online, including a bit of some How To’s. In this part, we’ll look at some of the more exciting things we’re seeing […]

Simchurch – An Intriguing Read

I’ve found the fourth great book during my summer reading.

Simchurch is the first book I’ve read on the virtual church that makes theological sense. Although the theology isn’t deep it’s deep enough to sway even the most die-hard skeptic of the virtual church – if they keep an open mind (something hard for many […]

When God Moves Into the Neighborhood

Imagine. A church of small groups that meet in homes, based on geography rather than affinity, whose purpose is to not only share life together around the Scriptures but also to transform the neighborhood or section of the city from which the small group is gathered by living out what it means to be […]

Back to Basics: 5 Ways to Increase Your First-Time Visitor Count

There are plenty of explanations why churches aren’t growing today … and frankly, most of what I read has a lot of merit. Culture’s changed. The church hasn’t … or it hasn’t kept up with the changes. Boomers left. Gen-X quit. Pre-Mills never got connected. The Millennials view church as so much yesterday’s yesterday.

On the […]

Post Covid-19 … A Look Forward – Part 02

Although the nation isn’t quite shut down during this national health crisis, it looks like it’s slowly grinding to a near-halt. So far, churches still seem to have a choice about meeting live and in person or not, but it’s pretty clear there’s a lot of social pressure from both outside and inside the […]