It’s a Good Idea … For Someone

When I wrote If You’ve Got to Herd Cats, You’ll Need a Big Mouse, I wrote about the reality that your church members have no end of “good ideas” about the direction their church should go. Those good ideas include what new programs should be started, what the church needs to stop doing, and […]

The Heresy of Harmony at Any Cost

In today’s fast-paced world, churches face a myriad of challenges, from dwindling attendance to the struggle of keeping up with technological advancements. However, one of the most insidious obstacles to church growth and harmony often comes from within: the presence of bullies and their minions and enablers within the church board. These characters, each […]

On Not Being Nice for the Sake of the Gospel

The following is one of our most asked-for blog posts.  It was written two decades ago, but it is still as relevant today as it was then.

Throughout all my consulting ministry, I have seen a disturbing pattern: most established churches are held hostage by one or two bullies. Either one individual or a small group […]

How to Get Standing Room Only Crowd for Training

I was asking a DOM recently about doing a conference in his Association. His response was, “No one comes to training anymore.”

The email came at an odd time for me. I had just returned from my third trip to Shiloh Terrace Baptist in Dallas were we had to bring extra chairs in twice to […]


The nursery is one of the most important rooms in the church and should reflect the type of homes the parents have made for their children (or in some cases should be much better than). It should be on the same level as the worship area and should be located close to it. It […]

The Harvest is Waiting

“The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Pray the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.”
Jesus directly asked us to pray that more leaders would be sent out into their networks to reap a spiritual harvest.  Yet, I find most pastors seldom pray for leaders to go into the […]

But SOMEBODY’s Got to Do It!

Church Work is never ending. There’s always something that needs to get done.

The worship slides need to be updated

The trash needs to be emptied

The newsletter needs to be edited

The plumber needs to be called

The copier needs to be replaced (or updated or unjammed …)

In recent weeks, one pastor or another has given me […]

“Volunteer” is a Dirty Word

By Bill Easum

The words we use denote who we are and how we view the world. Change some of the words you use and you’re on the way to changing the system.

That’s why I hate the word “volunteer.”  To me the word has come to mean “I’ll give you what I want to give […]

Examples of Mission Statements