Exponential Workshop Files

Multiplication Made Easy PDF Handouts

You Can’t Raise a Corpse PDF Handouts

Five Things You’re Doing That Won’t Grow Your Church

The church pastor was flummoxed. He had no idea why his church wasn’t growing. He was doing lots of stuff right, but he just couldn’t get any traction. So he called me. After a lengthy conversation, I helped him identify five things he was spending a lot of his time on that weren’t growing […]

Grow Your Church with Invite-Able Events: A Guide for Stuck Pastors

Feeling stuck in church growth or revitalization efforts is a common struggle for many pastors. If you’re managing members, administrative tasks, and longing to shift your focus towards transforming lives and communities, this guide is for you. Let’s help you to grow your church with invite-able events.

Understanding Invite-Able Events

Invite-able events are designed to […]

What Small Groups Can Learn from the House Church Movement

If nominations were solicited for a single word that best described the North American house church and home fellowship movement, “potential” might be the one in the sealed envelope. David Garrison who has studied global church planting movements suggests that house church planting is one of the key factors for the growth of global […]

What’s All This About Seekers

We hear a lot of conversation today about whether or not to have a “seeker” form of worship. Some say worship should be “seeker sensitive” while others talk about “seeker driven.” Some congregations have both “seeker services” and “believer services,” most notably the renowned Willow Creek Community Church. A hard example to take exception […]

Six Questions for Outreach in Smaller Towns

I was recently in the New England area of the U.S. I have been pondering lately the unique aspects of doing ministry in smaller population areas like that. There are many aspects of doing outreach that are universal – as we step out to serve others we are going to find that people are […]

Developing a Missional Mindset

As Bill Easum has already pointed out, there has been a lot of confusion around the whole Missional, Emergent, Emerging conversation. Most church leaders I speak with couldn’t cogently define the difference with anything like clarity. They’ve read one book and came away with that author’s perspective and for those brave souls, they’ve read […]

An Interview with Frank Viola

I had a chance to chat with Frank Viola recently.  You may recall, Frank has published some very controversial books lately.  Then along came Jesus Manifesto coauthored with Len Sweet, a long time friend.   When I asked Frank if he would talk with me about the book, he was gracious to talk to me.  Here […]

Build a Christmas Eve Your Neighbors Won’t Forget

As the leaves turn and the air grows crisp, our thoughts inevitably drift towards the festive season. Christmas, a time of joy, reflection, and community, holds a unique place in our hearts and calendars. For churches, this season presents a golden opportunity to connect with the community, both the faithful and those on the […]