The Tenth Spiritual Habit

by Bill Tenny-Brittian

In my book High-Voltage Spirituality I introduce nine broad categories of Spiritual Habits: Projection/Reflection, Prayer, Study, Worship, Giving-Up, Taking-On, Accountability, Retreating, and Faith Sharing. With spring encroaching upon us, it seemed to me to be a great time to try the Tenth Habit: The Spiritual Habit of Pilgrimage.

Pilgrimages were popular spiritual practices up through […]

Where Were You?

I’ve been asked this question twice in my life.  The first was about the murder of President John Kennedy.  I was in Cranfils Gap, Texas, where I was the pastor of the Baptist church.  The second was the terrorist attack on 9/11. I was in Columbus, Ohio, at a hotel next to the airport […]

Pulling the Trigger

Two Axioms for Pulling the Trigger
Why is it so hard for pastors to pull the trigger and institute something new? Why do so many resist doing what they know needs done? Let me take a stab at responding to these questions.  I think there are two prime reasons.

1. Distractions dilute desire.

Don’t kid yourself. Distractions […]

The Four Key Spaces

For the week of February 14, 2005

The Four Key Spaces

By: Tom Bandy

Many church leaders feel the need to evaluate their facilities, but don’t know where to start. Here is where you start. Understand effective church facilities should fit the core process of the church.

Traditional established churches rely on a core process of membership assimilation […]

The Difficulty of Making a Dream Come True

Over the 25 years that I’ve been a consultant and coach, I’ve noticed that one of the hardest actions facing a pastor is taking a dream and turning it into reality. Most pastors enter ministry dreaming about making a difference in people’s lives or changing the world or simply being part of a thriving […]

Radical Hospitality

For the week of January 31, 2005

Radical Hospitality

By: Tom Bandy

Most churches have learned that hospitality increases worship attendance … but they rarely go far enough. Radical hospitality is the readiness, not just to do what you like only better, but to do what you do not like for the sake of the newcomer. Imagine […]

From Program Manager to Transformational Leader

For the week of January 17, 2005

From Program Manager to Transformational Leader

By: Tom Bandy

One of the hardest shifts for clergy to make is the shift from program manager to transformational leader. This is a shift from program development to leader development, or, a shift from “shepherding” to “midwifing”. The key is to develop an […]

Leadership Alone Is Not Enough

For the week of January 02, 2006

Leadership Alone is Not Enough

By: Bruce Cole

New Hope Christian Fellowship’s Wayne Cordeiro teaches leaders, “Leadership alone is not enough to take our churches into what God has for us. It must be linked with the word “spiritual.” Here’s a simple way to make sure you’re keeping “spiritual” linked […]

The Secret of Christmas Hospitality

More guests will show up at worship on Christmas Eve than at any other time of the year.  This is a prime opportunity.

So how does your church showcase hospitality for Christmas Eve?  Are you intentional in your preparation?  It is a lot tougher to identify and connect with guests on Christmas Eve due to […]