It Takes More than Just an Hour

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

My mechanical aptitude and abilities are legendary at The Rock. Master Mechanic Randy Stewart (and others) seldom lets me forget that I went to add power steering fluid to my car one afternoon and poured the oil into the brake master cylinder—not a good thing. Randy, God bless his soul, had to […]

Why Do Churches Wait until It’s Almost Too Late?

One of the things I’ve noticed over my years of consulting is that most declining churches wait until it’s almost too late to try to stop their decline. They will watch their worship attendance decline some 50-60% over a ten-year period and do nothing about it. But here’s the kicker  – they won’t do anything about it until […]

Network TV and Mainline Churches

Mainline churches could take a lesson from what has been and is happening to network TV.

Remember when there were only three TV networks? ABC, CBS, and NBC. They had a monopoly on the television market. Sound familiar, mainline church? Up until the 1960s, mainline denominations had as close to a monopoly on the market […]

The Primacy of Preaching Part Two

Following my reading of D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ classic book, Preaching and Preachers, I want to address one of the most common objections to most of his conclusions.  Many people respond to Lloyd-Jones by simply saying it’s no longer 1950. And that’s right; it isn’t. But here is his response in my own words.

His approach is […]

What is Your PQ?

How is your PQ doing these days? You know – Passion Quotient.

I’ve concluded, along with a lot of other people that the most important attitude of an effective leader is passion. PQ is so important that wise leaders hire for passion rather than talent. Effective leaders choose to surround themselves with people with passion […]

Every Leader Needs One

When I went to seminary many moons ago, the study of leadership was one of three glaring omissions in seminary curriculum (the other two were conflict resolution and financial management). About the only leadership advice I got was this analogy: “Today’s pastor must be like a modern-day rancher who uses a helicopter to fly over […]

For the Good of the Many

Anyone who knows me well knows that I’m a bit of a Trekkie… but not a huge fanatic by any means (I started watching when Kirk started his career and quit when Picard retired). You know, you can learn a lot about leadership watching Star Trek, both how to lead effectively and how not […]

Five Steps to Encourage a Guest’s Return Visit

An important step in the growth of any church is to do whatever you can to encourage your first time guests to return for a second week. Notice I use the word ‘guest’ not visitor. To treat first time attenders as a welcomed guest, there are five things I would like to suggest that […]

What You Know Doesn’t Matter

I’m a fairly smart guy and I’ve got the degrees to prove it, so when I was in a seminar and the presenter made the assertion, “What you know doesn’t really matter,” well, it got my dander up and at least in my head I crossed my arms and thought, “That’s bunk.”

But the speaker […]