How to Develop a Healthy Outlook on Life

Over 50,000 people committed suicide last year. Over 100,000 people this past year typed into Google “I want to die.” Suicide and looking for a reason not to blow their brains are both on the rise. I find it curious that this rise in depression comes at the very time that Christianity is on […]

Fear Not

A growing church is a byproduct of courageous leadership that prays boldly for a vision from God and then takes bold action that honors the vision God has given. But too many churches have traded in vision for the status quo. They have opted for comfort in doing what we’ve always done before rather than […]

What’s That Mean?

WARNING: This isn’t one of our church growth posts. Instead, I’m taking a moment to share what I believe is an important pastoral care/theology kind of question. Read on with that warning 🙂

I teach preaching for the Center for Ministry and Lay Training at Phillips Seminary and one of those Pastoral Care kind of […]

Church: Know Thyself

Only the pastor knew I was coming to spend Sunday morning with the church. As a secret shopper, my job was to experience the church as a first-time guest. I knew what time the services started and I had the address of the church. My GPS got me to the church without issue, but […]

Frost and Hirsch, The Shaping of Things to Come

Frost and HirschThe Shaping of Things To Come

This is a book that should be read by every Christian who knows something is wrong with today’s version of Christianity but can’t put their finger on what it is. The authors challenge every facet of Christianity today from ordination to the traditional creeds and offer a […]

About Us

…into congregations helping them to attract, connect and develop new members. In new church plants and turnaround settings, Kyle has poured his creative ideas, practical experiences and encouraging words into…

The Secret to the Future of Western Christianity

We all know Western Christianity is in deep trouble. I won’t dwell on that. Instead, I want to share the secret to our future.  It’s simple.  The secret to our future lies in our ability to unlearn and rethink the possibilities.

The primary unlearning is that people no longer automatically come to church or think […]

Fall Interviews with World-Class Leaders

Our fall interview lineup for Coaching for Busy People is now set.  It is an excellent group of world class leaders.

We have already begun the lineup with Larry Osborne, pastor of North Coast Church in Vista, CA, who talks about his book Sticky Teams, which is one of the best books I’ve read in 30 […]

Measuring Results (Part 1 of 4)

Understand that you are always measuring something … even if you do not know it. Most churches measure harmony, financial stability, membership. So long as there are no complaints, the church is in the black, and membership is at least stable, they feel they are a “success” (particularly in a religiously indifferent culture).

Your mission […]