Visitor Follow-Up … The Gifts We Bring

Just a quick post while I’m on the road. A colleague of mine and I were talking about appropriate follow-up plans for first-time visitors and I referenced a thread on the Advanced Leadership Forum about what was considered a “valuable” gift. I had written about the pastor taking a gift to a first-time visitor within […]

Do You Do Worship Tech?

I visited a church recently … a LARGE church … that everyone told me was so edgy when it came to technology. To say I was disappointed would be an understatement and it prompted me to write the following article that appeared in the Easum, Bandy & Associates On Track Ezine. I put the […]

Too Busy to Lead

I had a conversation today that caused me to think.  This pastor had a lot of balls in the air.  In fact, too many.  So a thought came to me about another two rules of management (click here to read the first five rules).

Point Number Six:  Never be too busy to lead. Sounds like a […]

Why They Start Churches – Through Their Eyes

I just returned from Vietnam where the church is exploding. What I saw on this trip, and have seen on past trips, is a church growing. It’s not because of Western involvement, or any other that I could detect, but from unique stories of how individuals came to faith in Christ through unexpected ways, […]

Deep Church

by Jim Belcher

by Jim Belcher

Over the past decade a serious rift has occurred within western Protestantism. Traditional (I prefer the term “established”) Christianity and the Emergent movement have squared off with each other in what looks like a battle to the death.  Both sides have been guilty of prejudice, selfish indulgence, and just downright […]

Leadership Team Field Exercise 2: Ambiguity of Leadership Language

By: John Laster

From “Gaining Traction” (Chalice Press, 2007)

Do some informal research the next time you as a leader can procure about 5 minutes in a gathering of a cross section of the congregation (a class, small group, town hall meeting, fellowship gathering, or other setting).

•     Let people know you need their input on a quick […]

Gladwell, The Tipping Point

The in-depth research of this book that results in fascinating stories makes the book hard to put down. If you’re looking for brain-twisting reading, you won’t find it here.  But if you’re student of how people learn and what causes something to catch on, this book is a gold mind. It has one simply […]

Excerpt 2: From “Everything Must Change: Jesus, Global Crises, and a Revolution of Hope”, by Brian D. McLaren

… According to a global survey, three out of four of the happiest people groups in the world are not rich consumers. Using a scale where 7 marks the maximum of happiness, Forbes magazine’s riches Americans came in second (5.8), tied with the Pennsylvania Amish. Close behind them (5.7) were the Masai of East Africa, […]

Brian McLaren, Generous Orthodoxy

Generous OrthododoxyBrian McLaren

Finally a book that puts into words feelings I’ve had for a long time – there has to be more to Jesus than Christianity and there has to be more to Christianity than the church. I’m sick to death of the willy nilly way we live out both.. As they are thought […]