Robert Withnow, After Heaven

Wuthnow, Robert After Heaven: Spirituality in America Since the 1950’s

(Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1998), 290 pages, hardcover, $29.95. Obtain from University of California Press, 510-642-4999.

Wuthnow chronicles the changing pattern of spirituality in the U.S. that began in the 1950’s and was nurtured in the 1960’s. He sees two very different forms of […]

The Needs of the One: The Awkward Balance of Ministry and Leadership

Without apologies, I’m a bit of a Trek fan … both the bicycle kind and the sci-fi kind. Most of the time I indulge my Trekness for pure fun and escape; however, I’m a believer that if you keep your eyes open there’s something to be learned in and from almost everything.

And so, it […]

Preaching in a Wildcard World

By Bill Easum

Most of my life has been lived in a world of probabilities. Probability is the likelihood or chance that something is or will happen. Probability theory is used in statistics, mathematics, science and philosophy to draw conclusions about the likelihood of potential events.

For most of my life it was easy to examine […]

Mega Churches Have Problems Too

Compare the top ten mega churches for 2003 and 2006. The changes are phenomenal.  Several churches took major hits in their attendance.


Lakewood Church (Oasis of Love) Houston 25,000
World Changers College Park, GA 23,000
Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa, CA 20,000
Potters House Dallas 18,500
Second Baptist Houston 18,500
Willow Creek South Burlington, ILL, […]


I’m posting this blog on September 11th, the day Americans, if not most of the world, are remembering the lives lost because of the airplanes that were hijacked by Islamic terrorists and intentionally crashed into the world trade center, the pentagon, and the one that was ditched into a field in Pennsylvania.

I am also […]

Effective Leadership Demands High Trust

Again, this is a preview from our upcoming book, 21st Century Strategies for Church Growth

Streamline Decision Making with High-Trust Leaders

In most churches, the decision-making process is cumbersome at best and dysfunctional at worst. The solution to the issue is found in mission and vision alignment and in selecting only trustworthy leaders of integrity – and then […]

The “Magic” of Unspoken Conflict

I received so many responses to my last post on the Top Five Reasons Churches Don’t Grow that I could probably blog a new post on any one of the comments and have almost a month’s worth of writing.

However, a comment from TF brought back a flood of thoughts that I thought I’d share. […]

Has the Church Been Disassociated?

These verses, 6 and 15, frame a directive of what to do with those who are literally busybodies, people who have nothing better to do than make trouble. Apparently, the Thessalonian church had as high of a mercy gift as churches today. They were tolerating bad behaviors from their members and Paul says, “Stop it!”

There […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Chapter 07 – Introduction

Transitioning to Multiplication

Turning the tide from Mainline Decline to a Multiplication Movement isn’t an overnight sensation. And it’s not a task for the timid. To change today’s Mainline churches demands leaders who are as strong as elephants, have the hide of crocodiles, and in the words of Jesus, have the cunning of serpents (Mt […]