Church Leaders – a Contradiction in Terms?

I received a thoughtful note from a Church-Talk listener. He contended that the church has fallen under the spell of the culture’s understanding and practice of leadership. He went on the say that the church must follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit rather than fallen mortal man. I thought he was pretty perceptive […]

The Greatest Tragedy in History

If you were asked what you considered to be the greatest tragedy in history, what would you say? Surely some would pick the Holocaust. Others in the U.S. might pick 9/11. Still others would settle on Hurricane Katrina. There might be a few who would reach back in history and choose the Great Plague […]

Why the Pastor Should Know What People Give

Recently I have been asked by a couple of people why a pastor should know what everyone gives. As one person said, “Doesn’t that cause you to play favorites?”

It just so happened that the next day I was asked to read the galleys of J. Clif Christopher’s new book, titled Whose Offering Plate is It? This is […]

Jesus Was Always on Vacation: Leading from Freshness Rather than Frazzle

A couple of days ago a longtime pastor friend of mine asked if I would re run an article I did several years ago.  So here goes.

Too many of the pastors I meet these days look like they just stuck their finger in a light socket. They appear frazzled, dazed, and downright worn out. […]

Church, Essential Ingredients

From Bill Easum

We are often asked to boil down to a bare understandable minimum the essential characteristics of a biblical congregation.

Driven by a clear mission (DNA) that is imprinted throughout the life of the congregation. E very church has the same DNA – to carry out the Great Commission. Of course, every DNA […]

New Year, New You

And by “new you” I mean “new congregation.”

With over 85 percent of all churches in North America either in decline or on a plateau (and those on a plateau are generally those on the precipice and about to go over the cliff of a decline), a makeover of your congregation is probably in order.

With […]

Joyful Generosity

A couple of weeks ago, while being inundated with an onslaught of political commercials spouting angry allegations, echoing the divisiveness in our state and nation, I paid my taxes.

I mailed in my estimated State and Federal vouchers along with a check. I do so every quarter as an obligation and a duty as a […]

All Good Things Must Come to an End

Many of you know that for the past two decades I have been obsessed with offshore billfishing. It’s impossible to give justice to a description of the feeling one gets when a 400-pound blue marlin is coming toward your bait. You see the fin, then the bill, then the crash as the Blue attacks […]

Leadership Covenants

I was asked what a church’s leadership covenant should include. I’ve done a training on that for the Conflict CPR Training Set, but here are my thoughts.

A 100% commitment to supporting the congregational DNA (mission, values, vision)
A commitment to intentional adult spiritual development by participating in a small group or a micro […]