The Secret to Finding People Who Don’t Go to Church

Jesus said to “Go!” and make disciples.  But where do we go?

A big issue in contemporary church is that most Christians only interact with other church people.  If you are a follower of Jesus, how many friends do you have who don’t go to church?  Do you need to change that?

I recently did a […]

Taking Hospitality from Good to Great

What is church hospitality?  Is it unique from other hospitality?  What about the rather significant emphasis on hospitality in the Bible?  Let’s be honest, most churches are fortunate to have good hospitality, not great.  Okay, most congregations have poor hospitality when it comes to loving the stranger, the first time guest.

For me, the pivotal […]

A Postmodern Resurrection Story

In one of the congregations I worked in last year, I ran across a story that had become legendary in that congregation. It seems as if the pastor had told the story many times, so the detailed authenticity of the story is suspect. However, I have learned that some of the most profound truths […]

A A Lesson in How to Be Hospitable to Strangers

In one of the congregations I worked in last year I ran across a story that had become legendary in that congregation.  It seems as if the pastor had told the story many times so the detailed authenticity of the story is suspect. However, I have learned that some of the most profound truths […]

Can You Afford the High Cost of Church Transformation?

What are the costs of transforming a church? They can be steep … very steep. I got word this week of a church that  engaged a pastor to help them grow and transform has essentially imploded … no, it’s really an explosion that may be responsible for killing a career and perhaps tainting the […]

Christmas Ideas

It’s not too early to begin thinking about what you’re going to do to capitalize on the pagan holiday known as Christmas. Yes, you heard me correctly – Christmas is a pagan holiday. But contrary to what you might think, its status as a pagan holiday makes it an even more valuable evangelism tool than you […]

A Multi-Site Church Road Trip

Leadership Network is doing a blog tour for the new book, A Multi-Site Church Road Trip, by Geoff Surratt, Greg Ligon, and Warren Bird.  I have been asked to participate with the bloggers.  I was asked to submit a question to which the three would respond.

Here is my question to Geoff, Greg, and Warren.

“What […]

21st Century Strategies is Now on Facebook- Become a Fan

I am transfering most of my attention from my facebook profile to our 21st Century Strategies page.  Please go to  and become a fan

Exponential is Coming Up April 19-22

The Exponential Conference has assembled a lineup for 2010 that is as good as any conference I’ve seen in a long time. Opening with Louie Giglio, closing with Francis Chan, including well-known and proven motivators like Ken Blanchard, Mark Batterson, Matt Chandler, Dave Gibbons, Brenda Salter-McNeil, Ed Stetzer, Efrem Smith, Dino Rizzo, Dave Ferguson, Greg Surratt, […]