My Blog: Now You See It; Now You Don’t

For some reason recent articles on my blog have disappeared. I know that because several of you have emailed me asking where to find certain posts that are no longer on the blog.

We had a worm in the transferring of our servers from one location to another so we guess that is what happened.

It’s […]

Easum’s Last Stand

This is the LAST seminar Bill Easum will be doing.

The very last one.
There will be no more.
This isn’t a publicity stunt.
I’m retiring.

And to date, enough registrations have some in so far that I can say the event sent for February 26-27 is a “GO.”  If you are planning on attending, now is the time […]

Youth Aren’t the Future of Your Church

Today, I’m going to address two more of the top six tactical mistakes churches make. Keep in mind these aren’t criticisms. They are, like the blog says, observations. I’ve worked in almost 1,000 churches in the past twenty years. I know that doesn’t make me an expert but it does give some credibility to my observations.
When […]

Visitor Treatment: Case Study 01

Recently, I began interviewing folks who were first-time visitors to churches to listen to what they experienced and see what we can learn.

A couple weeks ago, I met with a couple who’d attended an Evangelical Free Church near them. Let me begin by saying that they had a pleasant experience and have considered returning […]

Back to Basics: Build Relationships

The second step in Jesus’ 5 step exponential church growth model is to build relationships (step 1 is to get some attention and increase your first-time visitor count).

This is part 2 of a five part series.

Most, but certainly not all, churches get a first-time visitor every now and then. And if you’re following the […]

18 Years to Win Gold

Last night the Chinese couple Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo won an Olympic gold medal in the pairs free program figure skating competition. That’s a major accomplishment. But when you realize they had been skating for the gold for 18 years and both were in their 30s, it’s close to miraculous.

As I listened to the announcer, […]

Is Your Vision Visionary?

Without vision, the people perish.
Granted, that’s a bad translation of Proverbs 29:18, but the proverb itself is spot on. The problem is that most church visions teeter on a balance between insipid and impotent. Which is one of the reasons why so many congregations are going through the motions of “doing church” instead of […]

Directness Wins … At Least for Me

I’ve never been very good at catching subtle hints … but was pretty good at laying them out there. For years, I worked with churches and tried to lead with gentle-ish suggestions, but little changed. It was in Loganville, Georgia where I intentionally made a change.

I was the pastor of a historic church on […]

A Guest-Friendly Website

Recently I was asked for recommendations for remodeling a church’s website. In response I wrote a too-long email, but a just right blog post. So I thought I’d share it here. A “tiny” bit of this is pretty technical, but even a novice will find some tips to help tighten up your site. (BTW, […]