One Person, One Passion, One Position

I’ve yet to enter a congregation where their biggest complaint was that they had too many leaders and not enough ministry for their leaders to do. Obviously, the opposite is the rule. However, over the years I’ve discovered that, except in churches embroiled in conflict or in some other downward spiral, churches generally have […]

Heads Up about The Nines

This is a heads-up about a great event coming up on September 9 called The Nines. This is its second year. The only change is that every video will be under 6 minutes and they will be from some of the best church leaders in the country – and yes, I am one of the […]

Fall Interviews with World-Class Leaders

Our fall interview lineup for Coaching for Busy People is now set.  It is an excellent group of world class leaders.

We have already begun the lineup with Larry Osborne, pastor of North Coast Church in Vista, CA, who talks about his book Sticky Teams, which is one of the best books I’ve read in 30 […]

Barriers to Effective Leadership Teams Part 3

For the week of March 21, 2005

Barriers to Effective Leadership Teams Part 3: The Lack of Trust

By: John Laster

There are three common, interrelated barriers to more effective leadership teams: the absence of a shared DNA, the presence of fear, and a lack of trust within the team itself.

Lack of trust among leadership team members […]

EBA Leadership Tip

On the Leader Sharing Doubt

by Bill Easum

No one is ever totally beyond doubt. The issue with me is how much doubt can a leader share with the people and still be the leader. I have found it is easier to share doubt about issues than about one’s faith and still be able to effectively […]

Time Management for Church Leaders

One of top questions we’ve heard during the Only Four Things Grow Churches tour has to do with the allocation of the pastor’s time. When we suggest that a pastor leading a church of under 450 needs to spend between 70 – 80 percent of their time networking with the unchurched, the grumbling becomes […]

Questions for Church Planters

Getting a head start on your church plant is critical.  How you approach the first years will usually determine the ultimate outcome.

How many honest spiritual conversations have you had with thoroughly unchurched people in the past 90 days?
How many unchurched people have you personally brought to Christ (not just to a worship […]

Why I Hate and Love Church at the Same Time

I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to church.  I love the way God designed his church.  I hate the way church often looks when it ceases to be the church God designed.

Do you understand why I say this?  How do you feel about church if you go to church?  How do you […]

Looking Back at 2010

So many things happened in 2010 that it’s hard to know where to start. I will list the events in the order in which I think they will reshape our world. See if you agree.

9.8 percent of the population is recorded as out of work, but the real figure is closer to 20 […]