A Pastor’s Wish List

Ministry in today’s culture is more difficult than perhaps at any other time in history. Sure, we’re in no danger of being fed to the lions, but today’s culture is more resistant to religion … any religion … than ever before. After speaking with pastors and staff, I heard some consistent wishes.
1. I wish […]

Looking for Answers in an Ask-Assertive World


Looking for Answers in an Ask-Assertive World

Convergence 2004 : Global Positioning for the Soul

By: Spencer Burke

Show and tell isn’t big in the emerging church. Do you know why? Because sometimes, the question is more important than the answer. In fact, sometimes, the question is the answer. Allow me to explain.

People tend to be assertive […]

Of Coaches, Consultants, and Pooled Ignorance

It happened again recently. I was in a large group of mainline church leaders who professed their interest in church transformation. We were all milling around the room waiting for the convener to launch the meeting, and the conversation was pensive. Then the “transformational church leader” stood up, thanked us for coming, and said, […]

The Fine Art of Coaching Small Group Leaders

Coaching appears to be the “next” big thing when it comes to church leadership. It seems almost everyone either (1) wants to be a coach, or (2) wants to be coached. The fact is, everyone needs a coach, but a great teacher doesn’t necessarily makes a good coach. Indeed, being a great practitioner of […]

Snapshot of Your Neighbor

It’s Easter Monday as I sit to write this article. I had the luxury of having two viewpoints at two different churches yesterday. One of the churches was a 400 member church with three services and the other was a 200 member church with two services. Both churches’ staff knew that this would probably […]

Top Six Tacticle Mistakes a Church Makes

Almost twenty years of consulting with more than 30 denominations has allowed me to see some common tactical mistakes made by church leaders. Although I have seen many mistakes, six stand out as the most common tactical mistakes made by church leaders (I have ranked them according to the damage they can do to […]

Chalk Talk

This week marks the beginning
of Fall and many of us catch a bug this time of year. I’m not talking about the
common cold or the flu. I’m talking about “football fever” that infects
millions of Americans about now. Now I know that this epidemic has reduced some
with the recent controversy over political demonstrations during the […]

The National Park Theory

The last twenty years our culture (US) has been moving from what I call a National Park world to a world that can only be described as a Jungle.

Consider The following comparisons:

National Park

•         Are neatly laid out

•         Predictable and slow to change

•         Warn you about dangers animals

•         Provide adequate shelter

•         National parks change very […]

The “New” World and the 2 Percent

I’m at the World Convention of the Christian Churches and attended the Bader Lecture. This year, Ashley and Anji Barker of Urban Neighbors of Hope. Ashley and John Hayes wrote the book Submerge several years back, based on the commitment they have made to urban ministry. The main difference between their ministry and other […]