Leadership Multiplication

I’m constantly asked what it takes to raise up more leaders or, to put it biblically, to make more mature disciples. And that’s good because leadership and discipleship multiplication are some of the most important ministries church leaders can undertake.  So I’m going to brush stroke the basics of a leadership culture. If you want […]

Church Marketing

I didn’t used to be much of a blog reader, but after conversations with a couple of folk it became clear that blogging, reading, and responding are a social networker’s lifeblood … and since I always fancied myself as a social networker, I’ve started reading a couple. I was reading Glenn Kelley’s blog this […]

The Super Bowl of Services

Bring good news of great Joy to new people…then bring them back!

With Christmas Eve fast approaching, it’s not too late to prepare for what historically is the service with the highest number of visitors all year. Many of these folks who attend will have limited or no church experience. Indeed, the “Nones” (people with […]

Is Targeting an Exclusionary Tactic?

I’m in the midst of a fantastic conversation with a pastor of the Reformed persuasion and the topic of targeting worship for particular demographics, micro-cultures, etc. came up. He suggested that some consider targeting to be less than okay and that he “resists” the target terminology.

That’s not an uncommon notion in the church today. […]

Multiplication Ripples

I’ve been writing a lot about church multiplication because I believe it is the way Jesus would want us to lead our churches. At the heart of multiplication is the shift from an addition culture of gathering and accumulating to a multiplication culture of releasing and sending. In other words: starting self-propagating churches that […]

Stop Developing Leaders, Get More Ministry Done, and Grow Your Church

The lack of leadership is one of the top reasons pastors and other church leaders point to for why their church isn’t growing. “We need more leaders to get the job done. Our current leadership is tired and overworked.”

When quizzed about what they’re doing to raise up more leaders, the answers tend to include […]

Build On Your Strengths First

I’m a big fan of the therapeutic model … if you need therapy. But it’s a rare church that needs therapy … and over the years we’ve found that the therapeutic model is seriously hurting a lot of churches.

Let me explain.

In case you’re not familiar with the therapeutic model, it’s the practice generally used […]

Six Tactical Mistakes Churches Make

By Bill Easum

Over twenty years of consulting with more than 40 denominations has allowed me to see some common tactical mistakes made by church leaders. Although I have seen many mistakes, six stand out as the most common tactical mistakes made by church leaders (I have ranked them according to the damage they can do […]

What is the Secret to Effective Worship?

I am driven by the terrible fact that only about 15% of Americans worship as Christians on a given weekend.  This consumes me.  In a country where we are free to worship, why do so many refrain?

What about you?  Are you like me?  Are you distressed by our worship reality?  Do you wonder how […]