Prayer for People Who Can’t Sit Still

My wife is a contemplative. I watch her pray and I have to wonder how she does it. Her eyes close, her face gets a serene, contended look on it, and she sits there. And sits there.

Get help with your “Can’t sit still” prayer life.

She doesn’t move.

She doesn’t speak.

She just sits there listening and […]

Church Planting Movements

1. We ask this question of everyone, and the (diversity) in the answers (is) wonderful – how would you define the “postmodern movement?”

I define the postmodern movement by what it has caused to happen rather than trying to describe it. Postmodernism seems to have caused three things to happen. We live in a time […]

Grow Your Church on Mothers Day

I saw a post on Facebook this week that reminded me of a very practical church growth principle. The image said, ’The best gift you can give your Mother for Mother’s Day is to sit with her in church.”

Behind only Christmas and Easter, Mother’s Day is the third highest church attendance day each year. […]

Too Tired to Try

“We’ve got lots of opportunities. What we don’t have are the members to take advantage of any of them. Everyone is exhausted.”

ExhaustedTiredDepletedWiped Out

Let’s be honest, the pandemic and the post-pandemic migration has been rough on all of us.

Sign Up for the Free Pastor’s Congregation Resurrection Facebook Live Training Here. (Tuesday, August 23, 1 […]

Find an Accountability Partner

Throughout the 30+ years I served in pastoral ministry I have witnessed too many church pastors in America lose their positions of church leadership because of financial or sexual indiscretions coming to the light of day. This long list of ministry tragedies might have been avoided had there been accountability relationships in place.

Accountability can […]

Welcoming Your Guests (Part 1)

Every church thinks they are the friendliest church in town.

If your church is like the one I last pastored, it still uses a “Welcome” time in the service.” In this part of the service the expectation is that the people stand and greet those around them. This usually involves people tossing a quick […]

The Phases of a Church Planting Movement

Bill Easum

Over the past decade, a number of churches have initiated the beginnings of what could become one of the most significant movements in church history since the Reformation. I am running into multiple churches that have established church planting centers within them and have staffed their center with a full-time person in charge […]

The Father Factor

My father died in a car accident when I was 16 years old and it was one of the most significant moments of my life. I was fortunate to have had my father around during my formative years. In the years that followed, I sought out lots of substitutes to fill the hole that […]

On the Verge Update

Well, I finally found time to finish On the Verge by Alan Hirsch and Dave Ferguson.  So I thought I would update my earlier post.

This book is a jewel. By the title one can assume the authors sense that Western Christianity is on the verge of something big – an apostolic movement of gigantic potential for […]