How Churches Die Spiritually Part 2

How Churches Become Alive Spiritually: Part 2

By: Bill Easum

Last week we saw how churches become spiritually dead. But spiritual death does not have to happen. In order for the picture to be reversed, the following usually happens.

Action – Some one (usually the pastor) begins to cast a vision of a different future and […]

Thinking Like the Unchurched

I used to fish a lot. And one of the things I had to learn was to fish where there were fish. That makes sense. But to accomplish that I had to learn how to think like a fish. Fish don’t think, but if they did they wouldn’t think the way we do. If […]

Conversations You Can’t Ignore Part II

Yesterday we examined the Emergent movement and its implications for Western Christianity. I have one more thing to add: over the past year, I have heard little to nothing from this movement.

Today we will examine what I call the Incarnational Movement.

The Incarnational Movement

Like Emergents, the Incarnational folks have a love/hate relationship with institutional Christianity. […]

Where I Am In Life and the Most Important Lesson I’ve Learned

Several friends have emailed me recently about my station in life and what my plans are for the future. Those who know me well know my health is fair for a 78 year old and that I’m finding it hard to sit on planes for very long (I’ve only been on a plane three […]

My Predictions for 2050

Over the years, I’ve made a few predictions about the future and every one of them has come true (you can see the bulk of them here). Now it’s time for another set of predictions. The first seven predictions are strictly about Christianity and the remaining predictions are secular but will need to be […]

The Six Most Common Mistakes Pastors Make and What to do About Them

Over the years I’ve seen pastors make the same mistakes over and over. Every time I see these mistakes I can almost bet their church is declining. So I thought I would share with you the six most common mistakes I see pastors doing and what to do about it.

Mistake Number One: Not making […]

40 Days Until Easter

Forty days is a significant time period in the Bible. In the Old Testament, when God destroyed the earth with water, He caused it to rain forty days and forty nights (Genesis 7:12). Moses was on Mount Sinai for forty days and forty nights receiving the Ten Commandments. (Exodus 24:18). The Israelite spies took […]

Weddings, Counseling


From Bill Easum in response to many posts

Don’t take this wrong but why are so many of you requiring yourself to do so much counseling?  Sounds as if some of you are investing more time in this than in reaching the unchurched, never churched and dechurched.  The more you insist on you doing three sessions with […]

Faith in a World Gone Mad

I think we would all agree that the world has gone mad. We may not agree on what’s causing this madness or what to do about it, but if you follow the news it’s impossible to get around this fact – the world has gone mad. From politics to the national debt, to the […]