Announcements Are Commercials

After receiving one of my church audit reports the pastor called and asked why I said they shouldn’t begin with announcements. I said to him, “Do you watch TV?” He replied, “Sure.” I said, “Do any of the programs open with all 15 minutes of commercials?”  “No,” was his reply. “But what’s that got […]

Getting Past Your Past

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

According to Jesus, Paul, James, Peter, and John when we confess, repent, and take reconciliation seriously we become a new creature, all the old things in our lives have passed away, and we are completely renewed. Now, hang on to that promise for a moment. Live with it. What would it mean […]

Woe Is Us

I received this private email some time ago. I received permission to reprint it here, after making some modifications to protect the identity of the writer.
I have come to the realization that my tribe, UMC, will continue to die because our leadership at the highest level insists on people-pleasing by straddling the proverbial fence. […]

Measuring Results in Mission Impact (Part 4 of 4)

There are at least five ways to quantitatively measure mission involvement, and at least five ways to measure mission effectiveness.

Measure mission involvement: These measurements are in ascending order of importance … from least significant to most significant.

1)     Property use: How many community organizations completely aligned with your congregational mission use your space during the week?

2)     […]

The Average Pastor’s Achilles Heel

I’ve coached and consulted with hundreds of pastors over the years and I’ve noticed a common thread in the ministry of those pastors who do not do well. The sad thing about this common thread is that it could be eliminated with one simple word. But before I tell you what that one word […]

Bullies and Terrorists and Controllers, O My!

The other day, Heidi responded to my post on Expected Behaviors. She noticed I used the terms “Bully” and “Terrorist” and asked what the difference was … and what to do about them if they’re in your church.

Over the years, I’ve come to know four different kinds of people in the church. Disciples of […]

Tom Bandy, Mission Mover

Mission MoverTom Bandy

“Mission Mover” comes from the heart of a veteran pastor, national denominational leader, seminary educator, and acclaimed consultant with over 30 years experience in mission all over North America and beyond. His heart bursts for young and old, newcomers to Christ and veterans of the church, who long to free themselves from […]

Power of Metaphor


Power of Metaphor

Convergence 2004: Global Positioning for the Soul

By: Spencer Burke

This article is a continuation from last week’s column.

In the book I also rely heavily on metaphor. My co-author, Colleen Pepper, and I illustrate the shifts happening in the church by suggesting new metaphors. This too, challenges the tell-assertive person’s way of knowing.

One of […]

The Toughest Ministry of All … Singles

Over the years, it’s become clear to me that the single most difficult ministry in a local church is just that … singles. Those “College and Career” groups are literally just killer. Of course, one of my “answers” is always to focus on life-transforming small groups and then let the good times roll from […]