You Reflect Yourself Better Than You Think

I’m in the final throes of writing a recommendation report for a congregation I did a consultation with. While making a recommendation for the church to better define their values, I got distracted by discussing the difference between one’s beliefs and one’s values. I’ve long said that beliefs drive values and values drive beliefs, […]

Focus Groups

Some churches still find Focus Groups helpful in identifying the ministry needs of the market place.  Here is my take on Focus Groups.
 The purpose of a focus group is to identify the attitudes, concerns, issues, hopes, dreams, and needs of the group of people you have brought together for the focus group.  From this […]

Five and a Half Secrets to Getting Out of the Office

There’s an old saying that goes, “Pastor, you can’t be faithful to the Great Commission if you’re stuck inside your office” (okay, so it’s not that old of a saying). But the truth is there nonetheless. We’ve found that pastors of turnaround churches (and larger, growing churches as well) spend less time in their office and more […]

Halloween Outreach 2021

When I was a kid, Halloween was always a very special night in our neighborhood. We would dress up in costume, go trick or treating and we would always make sure we went to the door of the “good house” on our block. The goodhouse was the one whose owner handed out the best […]

Three Hard Choices Effective Leaders Make

Effective church leadership is the most glamourless, thankless, and frustrating job on the planet.

I make that emphatic statement based on two observations. First, I’m unaware of any other sector, profit or non-profit, that is seeing 85 percent of all operation centers facing serious decline – and the leaders of course are shouldered with the […]

Some People Never Change

The Time- The 16th Century
The Place- A monastery in Europe
The Setting – Two monks discussing the Gutenberg Bible

One monk says to the other one:

“I don’t think it will ever catch on. It is too hard to use. I find the old scrolls much easier to read. I can roll it out to sixteen feet […]

Steps to Revitalization

For the life of me I don’t understand why anyone would try to turn a church around. I did and I’m glad I did. Still, when I consider that the vast majority of pastors who try either fail or lose their job, I have to wonder why they would try… or why I tried. […]

Big Worship Mistakes

I go to a lot of churches and see a lot of different worship services, both contemporary and traditional. I’m constantly amazed at how many of these services seldom consider the presence of non-believers in the audience. Let me give you some examples.

I was in a church the other day that said it was […]

To Whom Do Teams Report?

From Bill Easum

Ministry Teams report to different people in different size churches. In small church to the pastor. In a large church to a variety of people. Core teams (those you cannot exist without) report to a staff person who also meets with them or stays in close touch with them. Other teams report […]