No One Left Behind

I was watching one of “those” movies the other day. In this case, the space ships were flying and the ground troops were storming the asteroid. Suddenly reinforcements for the axis of evil show up and the good guys have to regroup and retreat to fight another day. Except one of the ground troops […]

4 Ways Your Greeters Make Guests Feel Welcome

When it comes to first-time visitors, you may be surprised to learn that perhaps the most influential person your guests will meet isn’t your worship leader. It’s not the choir director, Christian education leader, or the board chair. It’s not even your pastor. Believe it or not, probably the most influential person your first-timers meet is your […]

Coming Out From Under Our Rocks: Returning to Active Ministry (and a few things you might not know about periodical cicadae)

Let me start by saying, “I am not an insect person.” I remember screaming my way into the house during Summers growing up in Pittsburgh, PA because I saw a grasshopper jump in our small yard. I can’t tell you how many times I tested my parents’ patience by refusing to go out to […]

21st Century Evangelism

By Bill Easum

Commitment to organized religion is now declining at the same time the public passionately pursues personal, spiritual journeys. How ironic that established/mainline denominations are shrinking during one of the most intensely spiritual periods in North American history. Aside from the spiritual malaise of many churches, two cultural changes lie behind this decline.

First, […]

Nothing Beats a Meeting

You may be surprised by the title. Who wouldn’t be? I believe it was a Harvard Business School study that revealed that the more meetings we attend, the more our IQ’s drop. 

In this blog, and in our books, we’ve pointed out that the lead pastor needs to bow out of a many meetings as […]

Pulling the Trigger – Part Two

Yesterday we looked at why it is so hard for pastors to pull the trigger and institute something new. Today we are going to look at what pastors need to do in order to pull the trigger.

Leaders Must Manage Themselves
Pastors or executive pastors have to be flexible on non-essentials and stubborn on the essentials. […]

Your Investment Portfolio

Take the next couple of minutes and peruse your investment portfolio. How are things going? Is your stock going up or down, or is it stagnant? In your whole portfolio, which is the most important investment you’re making?

Oh, wait. I’ll bet you’re thinking I’m talking about Dow Jones and the S&P 500. Nope. I’m […]

Why Seniors Should “Do Church”

This post comes to us through guest-blogger Jason Lewis. Although much of our energy is focused on reaching younger adults and families, according to the Census Bureau, there are more than 40-million USAmericans over sixty-five years old … and less than 12-million are active in a church. And so, we thought we’d share this […]

Exponential 2011

I will be at Exponential 2011 this year on all three days for four workshops.  If you plan on being there, it would be great to connect. Just email me and let me know.

Exponential is one of the largest gatherings of church planters on the planet.  It delivers quite a punch over three days.  If […]