How to Increase and Respond to First-Time Visitors

We’re constantly looking for ways to increase the number of first-timers coming to church and to encourage the congregation to invite their friends.  Here are four goodies.


At the end of worship, take a moment to say, “Let’s take a moment to center our thoughts on who we can invite to church next Sunday.”

Flip Your Church Step 5: Rethink Church

For a moment, suspend everything you think you know about doing and being church. Pretend, for argument’s sake, that you’ve been transported back to the first century… even before the birth of the church. As of this moment, there is nothing that “looks like” church. There are no traditions, no creeds, no history, no […]

Charleston: Another Reason to Believe in Christ

On Sunday, we witnessed a glowing example of what faith in Christ can do to a person, family, and city. Following the killing of nine people in the Mother Emmanuel AME Church, including the pastor, Chuck Todd of “Meet the Press” did an interview with the family of the slain Rev. Daniel Simmons Sr. […]

Position Yourself for Growth

For the week of February 06, 2006

You Have to Position Yourself for Growth

By: Bill Easum

I talk with a lot of pastors who yearn for their church to grow. But when I ask them, “When was the last time you asked God to double your church” I get a blank stare. If we want our […]

How to Encourage Youth to Participate in Church

By Guest Writer Riley Jarman

One challenge facing the church today is a decrease in youth participation in church activities. A recent survey found that in Protestant worship alone, up to two-thirds of young people aged eighteen to twenty-two stopped going to church. Nearly all the respondents cited life changes like starting college or work […]


The world I grew up in taught that there is one way to do everything and one size fits all. That’s the heart of the industrial world of modernity.

However, just the opposite is true today. You know that if you own most any kind of software or cell phone. Almost everything today is undergoing […]

Two Types of Thriving Churches Emerging

Two Types of Thriving Churches Emerging

Over the past few years I’ve noticed a growing trend amoung thriving churches- they are either simple or Permission-Giving. Let me give two examples of what I am seeing a lot these days.

Bay Area Fellowship in Corpus Christi, Tx is an example of a simple church. It focuses on […]

Three Worlds: One Reality

I don’t remember who connected me to Aaron Renn, but somehow I stumbled upon him. Renn works for a New York think tank and is a cultural critic. 

He also happens to be a Christian. 

As a side project, he writes a newsletter called The Masculinist that reflects on the “intersection of Christianity and masculinity. Though […]

Planning for a Summer Hump Instead of a Summer Slump

It goes without saying that most pastors know that worship attendance in the summer usually marks the all time low for the year.  We know not only attendance but income will slump. We don’t think it has to, at least not as much as most churches experience.  We think the Summer Slump is almost a self-fulfilling […]