Big Worship Mistakes

I go to a lot of churches and see a lot of different worship services, both contemporary and traditional. I’m constantly amazed at how many of these services seldom consider the presence of non-believers in the audience. Let me give you some examples.

I was in a church the other day that said it was […]

Pulling the Trigger

Two Axioms for Pulling the Trigger
Why is it so hard for pastors to pull the trigger and institute something new? Why do so many resist doing what they know needs done? Let me take a stab at responding to these questions.  I think there are two prime reasons.

1. Distractions dilute desire.

Don’t kid yourself. Distractions […]

How Do You Measure Success for Your Church?

Welcome to 2013.

How are you going to measure the success of your church this year, and every other year, for that matter? Worship attendance, finances, Sunday school and/or small group attendance, the number of baptisms, the number of new leaders raised up?

What if I told you that even though these are all important, none of […]

The 4 Secrets to Effective Church Events

You have an event that your congregation puts on, but no one starts coming to your church because of it.  Do we continue anyway because it is a “good” event?

Most churches have some wonderful events, but we miss out on a vital opportunity to leverage this for the glory of God and His Kingdom. […]

Church Planters’ Heaven

One of the most valued pieces of church planting is often lost in the hustle and bustle of setting up and taking down, but when its discovered it’s like heaven on earth. I’m talking about visibility.  Nothing takes the place of visibility for a church planter’s success. A planter lives and dies on visibility.

Visibility […]

How Possible Is Church Multiplication?

Often when I write or talk about churches that are planting multiple churches I get pushback in the form of the question “I wonder how many of these church plants are more like house churches?” I’m not sure why I get that question more than “I wonder how many people these churches are reaching?”

So […]

Looking Back at 2010

So many things happened in 2010 that it’s hard to know where to start. I will list the events in the order in which I think they will reshape our world. See if you agree.

9.8 percent of the population is recorded as out of work, but the real figure is closer to 20 […]

“I’m Not Being Spiritually Fed!”

When I served as a pastor – and in almost every church I served – one of the complaints I occasionally heard was that someone wasn’t being spiritually fed. Apparently, that’s not a new problem. Paul addressed the issue with the Corinthians and the writer of Hebrews addressed it as well. Apparently, those who complained […]

Stop Inviting People to Church… and Grow Your Church Anyway

Recently, I was working with a church that desperately wants to grow… well, the pastor wants it to grow. He asked his core leaders about their inviting experiences and they all said shades of the same thing: “I’ve invited all my friends to church and they’re not interested.”

Well, duh!!

Unless you happen to be inviting […]