Six Tactical Mistakes Churches Make

By Bill Easum

Over twenty years of consulting with more than 40 denominations has allowed me to see some common tactical mistakes made by church leaders. Although I have seen many mistakes, six stand out as the most common tactical mistakes made by church leaders (I have ranked them according to the damage they can do […]

Conversations You Can’t Ignore Part II

Yesterday we examined the Emergent movement and its implications for Western Christianity. I have one more thing to add: over the past year, I have heard little to nothing from this movement.

Today we will examine what I call the Incarnational Movement.

The Incarnational Movement

Like Emergents, the Incarnational folks have a love/hate relationship with institutional Christianity. […]

The Father Factor

My father died in a car accident when I was 16 years old and it was one of the most significant moments of my life. I was fortunate to have had my father around during my formative years. In the years that followed, I sought out lots of substitutes to fill the hole that […]

Is Your Vision Visionary?

Without vision, the people perish.
Granted, that’s a bad translation of Proverbs 29:18, but the proverb itself is spot on. The problem is that most church visions teeter on a balance between insipid and impotent. Which is one of the reasons why so many congregations are going through the motions of “doing church” instead of […]

Is Your Vision Visionary?

Without vision, the people perish.
Granted, that’s a bad translation of Proverbs 29:18, but the proverb itself is spot on. The problem is that most church visions teeter on a balance between insipid and impotent. Which is one of the reasons why so many congregations are going through the motions of “doing church” instead of […]

Fathers: Teach Your Children Well

In his book “Healing the Masculine Soul”, author Gordon Dalbey tells the story of a Catholic nun who worked in a men’s prison. One day a prisoner asked her to buy him a Mother’s Day card for his mother. She did, and the word got out to other prisoners, and pretty soon this nun […]

Annual Spiritual Check-up

New Year’s Eve is
an interesting holiday differing from others because it does not commemorate an
event, like Easter or a person like Christmas. New Years is a holiday that
celebrates the inevitability of the passing of time. We make New Years special
only by being reflective of the year that has passed and proactive about what
we want […]

What’s in a Name?

I was with a group of church planters recently, and the conversation around the table focused on naming the church. Most of the planters had already named their ministries, but a few were still in limbo… which can be a very good place to be.

So, if you haven’t yet named your church, or you’re […]

The Five Tasks of the Lead Pastor

First let me say this: The lead pastor is ultimately responsible for EVERYTHING the church is called to do. From worship to weddings, finances to funerals, bulletins to butts in seats, discipleship to digging the weeds, annual planning to plunging toilets, and vision to visiting, the buck stops with the person sitting behind the […]