8 Crucial Steps to Church Hospitality that Transforms Lives

Every church says they are friendly (hospitable), but that usually is true only among church members themselves.  The experience of the stranger, of the first time visitor, is often very far from a sense of being welcomed.
Let’s be honest.  The call to make disciples and the kingdom goal is at stake here.  It isn’t […]

How to Pray When God Can’t Keep Your Attention

I was recently interviewed by Janelle Dixon about my book Prayer for People Who Can’t Sit Still. This is the article she wrote …

I was not blessed with a quiet mind. It’s a switchboard of
extemporaneous ideas, thoughts, memories and questions that is always on,
always lit up, always busy. Did I plug in the […]

Packaging Experience

Over the past five years I’ve seen a tremendous shift in my ministry. Ten years ago, the bulk of my ministry consisted of local church consultations and workshops. Occasionally I would be asked to coach a pastor following a consultation. Today, almost half of my ministry is coaching pastors either before, after, or totally […]

S.O.A.P Bible Study

What is S.O.A.P.?

S.O.A.P. stands for Scripture, Observation, Application and Prayer. It is a way of getting more out of your time in God’s word. Wayne Cordeiro of New Hope, Oahu introduced us to this devotional study plan … and be fair, I use a form of it almost every day.

How does it work?

It’s quite […]

Summer Priorities – Tip 7: Worship and Hospitality Team Training

Most clergy plan worship for the coming program year in the summer. That usually means anticipating the preaching cycle, focusing themes and preaching series, gathering resources for major celebrations, and delegating responsibilities for music and drama. The more resources you gather now, the easier implementation will be when life gets really busy.

But have you […]

Levels of Leadership

Most church leaders don’t think of leadership in terms of levels. We tend to think more of finding volunteers or even servants. Instead I want you to begin thinking of multi levels of leadership and to begin to ask which category your leaders might fall into. I have discovered the following levels. There may […]

When Digital Worship Isn’t

A week or so ago I had the great privilege of leading a workshop session for a group of folks who were considering the possibility of professional ministry. I’d been invited to present on Sunday morning and follow my presentation with a brief closing worship.

I’d planned on bringing my guitar and leading a time […]

The Discovery Bible Study Questions Revised

Years ago, I was trained in house church leadership by one of the nation’s top gurus Neil Cole. I took the opportunity to shadow him for several days and learned a lot about time management, house church, leadership, and group led Bible studies. At the time he was using the Discovery Questions, six questions […]

Our Changing World and the Church and Education

I was fortunate enough that my formative years experienced incremental change. I saw lots of changes, TV, commercial air travel, atomic bomb, A/C, cell phones to name just a few, but each of these changes took place slowly enough for me to adapt easily to them. I spent years watching black and white TV […]