My Predictions for 2050

Over the years, I’ve made a few predictions about the future and every one of them has come true (you can see the bulk of them here). Now it’s time for another set of predictions. The first seven predictions are strictly about Christianity and the remaining predictions are secular but will need to be […]

Essentials for Moving from Attractional to Missional

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I’m constantly being asked how to transition a church from purely attractional to truly missional. It’s a good question because if a church is purely attractional, it’s not really a church. So here is how I respond.

At least four things have to take place before such a transition can be made. Here […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Introduction – Chapter 08

Ready, Set, Go

Hopefully you’ve concluded that multiplication is a mindset and the way to do ministry and not merely a program or model. It’s a new world view, a new way of living that’s on fire to reach as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time. As such it can embrace […]

Visitor Treatment: Case Study 01

Recently, I began interviewing folks who were first-time visitors to churches to listen to what they experienced and see what we can learn.

A couple weeks ago, I met with a couple who’d attended an Evangelical Free Church near them. Let me begin by saying that they had a pleasant experience and have considered returning […]

Back to Basics: 5 Ways to Increase Your First-Time Visitor Count

There are plenty of explanations why churches aren’t growing today … and frankly, most of what I read has a lot of merit. Culture’s changed. The church hasn’t … or it hasn’t kept up with the changes. Boomers left. Gen-X quit. Pre-Mills never got connected. The Millennials view church as so much yesterday’s yesterday.

On the […]

What Do You Say After “Hello”?

As a church pastor, training your hospitality team to hone their greeting and engagement skills will help grow your congregation. Seeing that your guests are warmly welcomed by many of your members and engaged in conversation by a few will help bring back your first time visitors by treating them as V.I.P. guests.

We trained […]

How to Create a Budget for Your Church: 4 Best Practices

As a church leader, you know how important it is for your church to effectively steward its resources. After all, you can only serve the community and engage your congregation if you have the necessary funding for your mission-driven activities!

Accounting best practices provide a framework for managing your church’s finances, and one critical element […]

A Life Worth Watching

Bill Easum

In the first few centuries A.D., Christians relied on the inner character of their leaders to determine the truth of what was being taught. They didn’t have a formal set of Scriptures to guide them, so when confronted with what might be heresy, they would ask which of their teachers had been taught […]

A Pastor’s Wish List

Ministry in today’s culture is more difficult than perhaps at any other time in history. Sure, we’re in no danger of being fed to the lions, but today’s culture is more resistant to religion … any religion … than ever before. After speaking with pastors and staff, I heard some consistent wishes.
1. I wish […]