Sermon Prep When Time Is Limited

One of the recommendations we make to pastors with churches under 200 is this: learn to do sermon and worship prep in less than two hours each week so you can spend the vast majority of your time reaching people for Jesus Christ.

It’s not a popular recommendation. Homiletics professors faint. Long-time pastors just shake their […]

Anti-Terrorism Prescription

My wife (Dr. Kris T-B) and I go on a date on as many Fridays as possible. On our dates we go to lunch and catch a movie matinee. Last week we went to see Joyful Noise, which was a good movie and showed the church and the faith in a positive light (for […]

Great Church Leaders Keep Their Mercy Gift in Check

Most pastors and professional church leaders I know got into the ministry to do… ministry. They’re the kind of people who aren’t just incensed with injustice, they’re compelled to do something about it. When they see a need up close and personal, they’ll move heaven and earth to meet it. If someone they know […]

The Practice of Discernment


The Practice of Discernment

Beyond the Ordinary: Spirituality for Church Leaders, Ben C Johnson & Andrew Dreitcer

By: Linnea Nilsen Capshaw

“We must continually remind ourselves that discernment has more to do with deepening our relationship with Christ than it does with making right decisions. It is a lifelong process of developing a relationship with God marked […]

Will You Be a Church Without Walls?

Increasingly, congregations are returning to their church buildings. Just how long that will last is yet to be seen, but increasingly, church leaders have felt and succumbed to the pressure to return to “in person” worship. With giving at historic low levels, we can’t hardly blame them for the return. However, it seems, that […]

How to Interview an Executive Pastor Candidate

A growing trend among mid-size to large churches is the role of executive pastor. We’ve found that many pastors who have a flair for creativity often lack organizational, administrative, and oversight skills. They like to spark ideas and ministries, motivate people to action, and then move on to something else – thus the emergence of the […]

Vision Discernment


Vision Discernment

Convergence 2004 – Global Positioning for the Soul

By: Tom Bandy

This all day workshop is designed to train your congregational team in the principles and tactics that build clarity and consensus for your congregation’s “genetic code”. Biblical vision is revealed, not created, in the context of clear, shared core values and bedrock beliefs. Strategic […]

Conversations You Can’t Ignore Part IV

Now I realize I didn’t publish my thoughts on “Conversations You Can’t Ignore” in the right order. Here is Part IV.

All three of the movements we’ve examined the past three days (Emergents, Incarnationals, and Organics) are clearly reactions against the traditional Attractional church that waits for the public to come to it instead of […]

Conversations You Can’t Ignore Part V

By now you know I resonate with all of these movements in one way or another, but my heart lies with the Reproductive Movement. So I am happy to know that for the first time in many years more churches are being planted than are being closed.

The Sim Card Movement

The Sim Card movement is […]