The Smaller the Church, The Fewer the Christians

When I came across an old Barna Report that suggested that the smaller the church is, the fewer Christians there are, I suppose I wasn’t surprised, but I’d be lying if I didn’t admit to being dismayed. Although I’ve had a lot of experience with small membership churches as a consultant/coach, I’d always secretly hoped there […]

The Five Pillars of Financial Wisdom: Equipping Your Members for Financial Success

Reprinted from Net Results Magazine

Can I be honest with you? The majority of your church members are financially illiterate. That’s a problem, especially when you consider that Jesus talked more about money than any other topic besides the Kingdom of God. In fact, in my opinion, it’s an untenable situation. Church members should be […]

Online Church Fundraising: 5 Best Practices To Follow

Churches like yours depend on donations from congregation members to not only make their operations possible but also grow the church and its impact on the community. Seeing as 63 percent of donors prefer to give online, your church should focus its fundraising efforts there.

But in an increasingly digital world, there are many players—from […]

Being a Great Coachee

Over the years, I’ve worked with a number of folks as a church planting and church transformation coach. Some of the folks I’ve worked with have gone on to meet or exceed their goals. Others, however, either quit or remained stuck. In fact, in my experience, more have quit or remained stuck than have […]

Make Meetings Matter

One of the biggest complaints we hear from committee chairs is that their committee members don’t come to the scheduled meetings. When we hear that, we almost always know that the primary issue isn’t about having a bunch of members who are slackers without integrity. We tell the committee chair, “The reason your members […]

Attracting ‘Super’ Men to Your Church

of churches all over our country continue to ask the question,  “Where are all the men”? Women comprise more
than 60% of the adults in the typical worship service in America. Some overseas
congregations report ten women for every man in attendance. Volunteer ranks are
heavily female. No other religion suffers the enormous gender gaps that plague
Christianity. […]

Postmodern Contrast to Modern

The following are some contrasts between modernity and postmodernity

Modern – intellect, teaching, know
PoMo- spirit, experience, sense

Modern – linear thinking and processes
PoMo – overlapping, juxtaposition without contradiction

Modern – either/or
PoMo – both/and/also

Modern – prove it to me
PoMo – show me

Modern – institutional
PoMo – organic

Modern – utopic vision for future society
PoMo – change or be changed – […]

Preach Patriotism

On July 4th 2022, the United States of America will be 246 years old.  In relationship with many other countries like Egypt, China, or Greece, America the republic, this experiment in liberty, is very young and yet we stand tall among the nations of the world. We continue to stand because of the principles […]

From Sermons to Staplers: How to Sort Your Church Priorities Without Losing Your Religion

In today’s fast-paced, distraction-filled world, staying focused on what truly matters is more challenging than ever. As a pastor or church leader, you’re not merely managing a congregation; you’re spearheading a mission—a mission that can’t afford to get derailed by the myriad of “urgent” but ultimately inconsequential tasks that vie for your attention. So, […]