Can the Church Compete?

Recently, I heard the pastor of a smaller church bemoaning the Sunday morning competition with the local sports teams. He was asking whether or not the church could even compete in today’s culture.

Frankly, the only smart way to compete is to compete to win – and that begins by being brutally honest with what […]

Communications and the Church

I recently had a great conversation with an older member of a fast-shrinking congregation. She was looking for resources on how to improve communications within her congregation and she was finding precious few resources … could I help? Sure, I could help. But before we went further, I asked her to tell me what […]

Five Books For The 21st Century

I’ve always been a voracious reader, so I encourage pastors to read a minimum of ten books a month. I was glad to read a blog from Rick Warren titled “To Be a Great Leader You Absolutely Must Be a Reader.” You can see the article here.

However, I remember when I was a pastor […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication Part Two

In my last blog, A New Form Of Church, I shared about a new form of church that’s emerging in the West. I was first introduced to this new form of church while in Hawaii, spending time with New Hope Christian Church.

Last week, I had the privilege of meeting with a handful of some […]

Adoption: The Congregational Mission

I was visiting a mainline church recently that had been experiencing ongoing and significant decline. The church wasn’t exactly a small church, but it wasn’t huge either. Over 200 people attended worship there every week. The odd thing was that, although this church was in decline in terms of attendance and participation, it was […]

New Wine Part 5

Change is difficult. Change in a church is even harder, sometimes, nearly impossible. So what do you do if you are trying to change the culture of a traditional church that is dying? First let me tell you what you don’t do. I most always suggest to churches that they don’t radically change their worship […]

Pastor Parish Committee (UMC)

One of the biggest mistakes some UM Churches do is to turn the Pastor Parish Relations Committee into a Staff Parish Relations Committee. On the surface this sounds democratic and good. Everyone on the staff has direct access to the personnel committee. However, there are many ramifications of this decision and only one of […]

They Come to See Me Burn

I’m preparing to speak to the Presbyterian Church of Canada in a couple of months.  They chose as the subject “The Emmaus Project.”  It consists of selected churches from all over Canada.

As I was preparing, I got stuck on the tiny phrase the two pilgrims who walked with Jesus said once he had left […]

Churches Committed to Multiplication: Part Two

In my last blog, A New Form Of Church, I shared about a new form of church that’s emerging in the West. I was first introduced to this new form of church while in Hawaii, spending time with New Hope Christian Church.

Last week, I had the privilege of meeting with a handful of some […]