
Let me inject a word of caution taking this whole issue to seriously. It is one thing to go to great lengths to make the nursery secure from non-custodial parents kidnapping their own kids or a pedophile molesting a child. it is another thing for churches to put bars on the windows and doors […]

Focus, Focus, Focus

For the week of November 21, 2005


By: Bruce Cole, lead pastor of Joy! Lutheran Church, G

One of my most important tasks as a lead pastor is to spend time learning from lead pastors who are three to five years ahead of me in terms of how God is molding and shaping the churches they […]

Take a Core Team Deep


Take A Core Team Deep

By: Bill Easum

What would happen to your ministry if every year you chose a dozen lay people you felt had potential and spent the year discipling them? What would happen if every paid staff person on your staff did the same?

Suggestions for such an experiment:

Begin the time exploring the movement […]

Discipleship Teaching or Equipping

Discipleship Teaching or equipping consists of two things – modeling and content. Most people ask me for curriculum for discipling Christians – curriculum = teaching. Even though curriculum is needed, before leaders need curriculum they need to model discipleship in their life and ministry. Modeling is more important than content and content has meaning only […]

The Importance of Coaching

Over the years I’ve watched pastors do all kinds of work trying to grow their church.  Many of them have brought in a consultant, myself included, had a thorough examination of their church, and received a clear directive for the future, only to flounder after the consultant left.

It has become clear to me that […]

When Asked “What Is Missional,” What Do You Say?

The other day in a seminar a middle-aged woman asked me to define what I meant by the Missional Church. I quickly replied, “A missional church is organized around mission.” Mission is their organizing principle.  A missional church doesnt have a Missions Committee; it is a mission. Missions ins’t one program among many; it is […]

A Second Resurrection Hits Bestseller List

I just returned from speaking to the Presbyterian Church of Canada.  While I was there I learned from one of the bookseller that my book, A Second Resurrection, made the bestseller list on

This is good and bad news. Good that this book is selling well, but bad that so many churches are in such trouble that […]

Why People Leave the Church … and the Faith

Some time ago, Martin Marty was quoted in Tom Clegg’s Lost in America that about 3000 people per day in the West (outside of the Bible Belt in the US South) leave the Christian faith – not the church, the faith. There really wasn’t much evidence outside of his work to support the contention […]

Was Your Father’s Day Service Special?

Let’s face it, guys. Father’s Day is the Rodney Dangerfield of holidays. It’s the,“I get-no-respect” little brother to Mother’s Day. Interestingly, the American version of Father’s Day was first proposed in 1909 by a grateful daughter, Sonora Smart Dodd. Her father, a Civil War veteran, singlehandedly raised six children after his wife died in […]