10 Things We Wish We’d Learned in Seminary

This brief list was inspired by a blog post by Ben Reed at http://www.benreed.net/.

Once I read it, I thought I’d jot down my own top ten list and I asked Bill Easum to do the same. I found it interesting to see what we identified.

Bill T-B’s List

That today’s churches need leaders more than they […]

Sticky Teams is a Great, Practical Book

Ever so often I read a book and say to myself, “I wish I had written that.”  So it is with Sticky Teams by Larry Osborne. It’s Larry’s best book to date and one of the best  books I’ve read on how to build strong, trusting boards and staffs.  Sticky Teams is a down-to-earth, […]


A friend of mine, Rick Melheim, sent me the following and suggested I put it on my blog. It’s worth taking the time to read.
I watched six hours of the “LOST” show, the final episode, and Jimmy Kimmel’s post-show interviews last night and woke to write a piece called “Lost… Without Jesus” at www.richmelheim.com just […]

Discerning and Developing Core Values

Over the years, there has been a good bit of conversation amongst church leaders, consultants, and coaches about congregational values – as in, every church needs to identify their core values. All that’s fine and good, but far too often I’ve come upon churches that spout their values as if they’re water springing from […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Chapter 03 – Introduction

The whole point of our Dinosaurs to Rabbits book is to help spur our colleagues in the Mainline Church to get serious about transforming the church into a multiplication monster (a good kind of monster!). But the heart of the matter is that in our experience, the Mainline Church has lost its heart for making disciples […]

Being a Great Coachee

Over the years, I’ve worked with a number of folks as a church planting and church transformation coach. Some of the folks I’ve worked with have gone on to meet or exceed their goals. Others, however, either quit or remained stuck. In fact, in my experience, more have quit or remained stuck than have […]

The Greatest Tragedy in History

If you were asked what you considered to be the greatest tragedy in history, what would you say? Surely some would pick the Holocaust. Others in the U.S. might pick 9/11. Still others would settle on Hurricane Katrina. There might be a few who would reach back in history and choose the Great Plague […]

Attracting ‘Super’ Men to Your Church

of churches all over our country continue to ask the question,  â€śWhere are all the men”? Women comprise more
than 60% of the adults in the typical worship service in America. Some overseas
congregations report ten women for every man in attendance. Volunteer ranks are
heavily female. No other religion suffers the enormous gender gaps that plague
Christianity. […]

More on Leadership

Following up on my last post, I want to consider further the importance of conviction for effective leadership. Consider this quote from Martin Luther: “Here I stand. I can do no otherwise. God help me.” Or what do you think allowed Nelson Mandela to give hope to the people from his confinement?  Or what […]