Why People Resist Change

Bill Easum

Too many Christian leaders working with children these days still think it’s 1980. As a result, the children’s ministry in most churches is one of the most boring experiences in the life of a kid. And if a kid isn’t happy with your Sunday School, the parents seldom return.

So, how do we address […]

Navigating the Unchartered Waters of Social Distancing

From the May-June Issue of Net Results Magazine

By Bil Cornelius

When word came down from state and local authorities banning public gatherings of ten or more people, the church needed to spring into action. The Bible calls us to corporate gatherings, to meet weekly in the temple courts and worship together. But it also calls […]

Planning for a Summer Hump Instead of a Summer Slump

It goes without saying that most pastors know that worship attendance in the summer usually marks the all time low for the year.  We know not only attendance but income will slump. We don’t think it has to, at least not as much as most churches experience.  We think the Summer Slump is almost a self-fulfilling […]

Discerning and Developing Core Values

Over the years, there has been a good bit of conversation amongst church leaders, consultants, and coaches about congregational values – as in, every church needs to identify their core values. All that’s fine and good, but far too often I’ve come upon churches that spout their values as if they’re water springing from […]


The most important thing to do … and you can do this in conversation with your various teams at church … is to decide what the missional goal of the sabbatical is. Frequently I find clergy unclear about this, and later they or the church discover the sabbatical was really just a healing or […]

Servolution by Dino Rizzo

Over the past couple of decades a major shift has taken place that has gone unnoticed by many established congregations. I’ve never had a good word for this shift until today when I read Servolution by Dino Rizzo, pastor of The Healing Place. Servolution is a movement underfoot today. More and more church leaders […]

The Munching Sheep Theory

Easum, author of several widely acclaimed books on church leadership, including Growing Spiritual Redwoods, Leadership on the OtherSide, and Unfreezing Moves, is Senior Managing Partner of Easum, Bandy & Associates, Port Aransas, Texas. His insights are used in many denominations across Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

Sheep have a habit of getting so involved in feeding […]

Leadership Multiplication

I’m constantly asked what it takes to raise up more leaders or, to put it biblically, to make more mature disciples. And that’s good because leadership and discipleship multiplication are some of the most important ministries church leaders can undertake.  So I’m going to brush stroke the basics of a leadership culture. If you want […]

The Munching Sheep Theory

Easum, author of several widely acclaimed books on church leadership, including Growing Spiritual Redwoods, Leadership on the OtherSide, and Unfreezing Moves, is Senior Managing Partner of Easum, Bandy & Associates, Port Aransas, Texas. His insights are used in many denominations across Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and the United States.

Sheep have a habit of getting so involved in feeding […]