An Old Church Turns Around – Ray Stauffer

Interview with Ray Stauffer of Lindenwood Church who turned Lindenwood Church around after twenty-two years of stagnation.

A Church that Lost it’s Spirit – Jorge Acevedo

Video Interview with Jorge Acevedo, turnaround pastor of Grace United Methodist Church


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Acevedo on Team Building
Acevedo: Turnaround Lessons in Year 10


Three Common Contagious Church Viruses: Part 1

“The Church Doctor will see you now.” The church had a bit of grimace on her face, but she shuffled in and hopped up onto the paper-covered examination table.

“Tell me,” the doctor said. “What seems to be ailing you?”

The church shared her symptoms. Lethargy. Uncontrollable membership loss. And an unmistakeable rumbly in her […]

On the Verge

Alan Hirsch and Dave Ferguson have given us a jewel in the book “On The Verge.”  Obviously by the title one can assume they sense Western Christianity is on the verge of something big- an apostolic movement of gigantic potential for the Church in the West.

What I like about this book is the blending of […]

Don’t “Masadaize” Your Members

One of the main reasons many effective churches stop growing is they so thoroughly take their new converts out of their social environments that over two or three years they lose all contacts with their pagan friends. Before becoming a Christian most people have many non-Christian friends with whom they spend most of their […]

Staffing Made Simple

One of the main bugaboos of many pastors is learning how to staff a church.  In reality, knowing how to staff is simple if you just use your noggin.

The following is based on any size church. If the church has under 500 in worship, some of the following staff should be volunteer or one paid staff […]

The Missing Piece to Spiritual Maturity

The fall is the traditional time for many churches to do their annual stewardship drive, if they still do them. So during this time of the year churches are searching for an effective stewardship program. But we know from experience that most stewardship programs lose their effect after two or three years, so the […]

Disciplemaking Teachers Ought to be Required

Jason said to me, “Disciplemaking Teachers out to be required.”

I had just conducted the Disciplemaking Teachers seminar at his church. I had done the Double Your Class Seminar in their church sometime back. They had seen some results. I sensed two frustrations:

Many teachers were slow to get on board. They didn’t want to […]

How Crowdfunding Can Help Churches | A Definitive Guide

A Guest Post from Tejas Rane

A brief introduction

Churches know the importance of funding and how it can help fulfill the church’s visions and missions. Yet, it is also the toughest thing a church can ask for. Finding and raising the money necessary for missions is the crux of any church’s fundraising campaign. Traditional means […]