Confession of Two Mainline Church Geeks

We’ve Got a Confession to Make.
We’ve been mainline Christians most of our lives.
We choose the mainline because of its theology.
But over time the mainline Church has fallen into a free fall decline.
And that pains us.
We hate to see once great institutions dying. So we’re not going to just sit back and watch it […]

What Mainline Pastors Can Learn from Non-Mainline Planters

Over the past couple of months, I’ve been conducting interviews with pastors of church planting churches, and a couple of things keep reoccurring in all of the interviews. I thought I would single them out and show what mainline denominations could learn from them.
Church Planting Common Denominators
A Kingdom orientation is the number one thing […]

Five Things Matter Most in the Emerging World

Few people will argue with the statement that we have entered a totally new world since 9/11. This new world had been dawning since the 1960s, but now we are fully into a new world. So what will it take to flourish in this kind of world? What are the down and dirty, quick […]

The Number One Problem with Western Christianity: McGavran and Disciple Making

We all know 85% of churches in the West are in decline, so I wont go into that other than to say I know the cause for this decline. The number one problem with Western Christianity rests on its misunderstanding of the Church Growth movement and the liberalization of the Western Church. Let me […]

Power of Metaphor


Power of Metaphor

Convergence 2004: Global Positioning for the Soul

By: Spencer Burke

This article is a continuation from last week’s column.

In the book I also rely heavily on metaphor. My co-author, Colleen Pepper, and I illustrate the shifts happening in the church by suggesting new metaphors. This too, challenges the tell-assertive person’s way of knowing.

One of […]

Consultant Training

The Ministry Audit: Consultant Training I and II with Bill Easum.
Resource: The Church Growth Handbook and The Complete Ministry Audit, available from EBA or Abingdon Press. These seminars equip church leaders to apply The Complete Ministry Audit to any congregation. Consultant Training I and II are two of our most productive equipping models. Both […]


When I talk to pastors a common phrase I hear is ‘getting back to normal’. That is never going to happen. Because of the very nature of change, things are never going back to whatever you think normal was. I also hear pastors mention ‘a new normal’. Forget about it. Churches should never conform […]

What Do You Say After “Hello”?

As a church pastor, training your hospitality team to hone their greeting and engagement skills will help grow your congregation. Seeing that your guests are warmly welcomed by many of your members and engaged in conversation by a few will help bring back your first time visitors by treating them as V.I.P. guests.

We trained […]

They Come to See Me Burn

I’m preparing to speak to the Presbyterian Church of Canada in a couple of months.  They chose as the subject “The Emmaus Project.”  It consists of selected churches from all over Canada.

As I was preparing, I got stuck on the tiny phrase the two pilgrims who walked with Jesus said once he had left […]