Tough Questions

I received a post from person on our advanced leadership forum inquiring what questions he should ask while at a search committee interview for a new church position as lead pastor. Here is what I said.

What is their vision for their church?
How many pastors have they had in the last 20 years?
Why did […]

Jesus is the Way?

By Bill Easum


One thing has become crystal clear over the twenty some years I have been consulting and coaching church leaders – the vast majority of growing churches in the U.S. range from conservative to ultra-conservative.  And for them, Jesus is the only way to salvation. The more a leader vacillates on this belief, the […]

Antiques Roadshow in the Pulpit

I’ve been saying this for at least five years and now it appears I’ve been onto something. The day of the sermon as we know it is dead. Or at least, if you want to bother teaching and reaching the under-fifty crowd, it needs to be dead.

“A study by Nobel Prize-winning physicist Carl Wieman […]

Chalk Talk

This week marks the beginning
of Fall and many of us catch a bug this time of year. I’m not talking about the
common cold or the flu. I’m talking about “football fever” that infects
millions of Americans about now. Now I know that this epidemic has reduced some
with the recent controversy over political demonstrations during the […]

Evangelism: Yesterday and Today

Community Team Reproduction

Evangelism: Practical and Effective Evangelism in Today’s Church

Evangelism: Exegeting the Community

Evangelism: Conversations and Faith