Book Review: God Dreams

There’s a saying, no one seems to know who said it first, that “If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room.”  I try to stay out of those rooms whenever possible. So it wasn’t surprising to me when I found myself in the same room as Will Mancini and […]

You Can’t Feed the Soul if You Don’t Feed the Body

It seems my article “Six Tactical Mistakes Churches Make” hit a cord. Several commnents have been made both on and off my Blog.  One of the most important comments came from Matthew:  “How would you “combine evangelism and social justice into the fabric of the church?” Help me understand what that would look like.”

Here’s my response:

Matthew, this […]

Why We Must Confess

We grow in Christ as we come to Christ.
We must believe.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. Romans 10:10 (NIV)

We enter into a relationship with Christ through believing and we grow by faith.
We must surrender to Christ […]

From Horses to the Moon: Something to Think About

I want you to think about the title to this blog post and ask yourself, “What has this to do with religion?” Here are my thoughts.

In less than 100 years the U.S. has gone from riding on horses to putting a man on the moon.  That’s incredible progress; it’s also a demonstration of how […]

Why New Plants Start Declining Early

I’m working with a church established in the 1990s that grew up to 200 the year it moved into its permanent building in the late 90’s. Then it began to decline and has been declining every year since and is now down in the low 100’s.

We see this kind of decline often in new […]

Shy Is Not a Disability

Let’s start off with a fact. You can’t change introversion. If you get exhausted being around a group of people (every group of people, not just certain ones), then you’re probably introverted. And introverted is “who” you are – it’s a personality trait that you can’t change on a whim.

However, according to lots of […]

Spirituality and the Language of the Future

History is overthrowing the way we think. Futurist Ray Kurzweil in fact believes our era will end 6,000 years of “civilization” as we’ve known it. And, in this century alone, we’ll see on the order of 20,000 years of change (at today’s rate of change).

In massive historical shifts, the very structure of knowing changes—not […]

Easter Preparation Check-List

As Easter weekend approaches, your church is getting ready to make a great first impression on guests who may never have stepped foot on your property. In addition to praying for your church members to invite others and having well prepared music and a powerful message to deliver, there are some other things make […]

Steps to Revitalization

For the life of me I don’t understand why anyone would try to turn a church around. I did and I’m glad I did. Still, when I consider that the vast majority of pastors who try either fail or lose their job, I have to wonder why they would try… or why I tried. […]