Sider, Olson, and Rolland, Churches That Make a Difference

Sider, Ronald J. Philip N. Olson and Heidi RollandChurches That Make A Difference

(Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Books, 2002) 334 pages, paperback, $19.99. Obtain from Baker Books, P.O. 6287, Grand Rapids, MI, 49516-6287.

The authors have provided us with one of the most thoughtful and practical books on holistic ministry written in this century. By holistic […]

Lyle Schaller, Discontinuity and Hope

Schaller, Lyle E.Discontinuity and Hope: Radical Change and the Path to the F

Discontinuity and Hope: Radical Change and the Path to the Future, by Lyle E. Schaller, (Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1999), 231 pages, paperback, $16.00. Obtain from Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN 800-251-3320.

This book just joined my list of the top ten books of […]

Walt Mueller, Understanding Today’s Youth Culture

Mueller, WaltUnderstanding Today’s Youth Culture

(Tyndale House Publishers, Carol Stream, Illinois, 1999) paperback, 461 pages, $14.99. Obtain from Tyndale House Publishers, 351 Executive Drive, Carol Stream, IL 60188

Originally published in 1994, this definitive work has been revised and expanded in 1999. The author has been involved in youth ministry for 25 years. Parents, teachers, and […]

Lyle Schaller, The Very Large Church

Schaller, Lyle E.The Very Large Church: New Rules for Leaders

Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 2000) 247 pages, paperback, $20.00. Obtain from Abingdon Press, 201 Eighth Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203

The Very Large Church is one of Schaller’s best books to date. It is a must read for ANY size church because it challenges ALL the […]

Barry Oshry, Leading Systems

Oshry, BarryLeading Systems: Lessons From the Power Lab

(San Francisco, CA: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 1999) 202 pages, paperback, $24.95. Obtain from Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 450 Sansome Street, Suite 1200, San Francisco, CA 94111-3320, 415.288.0260

A gem of a book on systems . . . one that does not need an organizational genius to understand. Through a […]

Price Pritchett, Resistance

Pritchett, PriceResistance: Moving Beyond The Barriers To Change

(Pritchett & Associates, Inc., 1996) 34 pages, paperback, $5.95. Obtain from Pritchett & Associates, Inc., 13155 Noel Road, Suite 1600, Dallas, Texas 75240, 214-789-7999 Fax: 214-789-7900.

This excellent, tiny handbook contains a concise and accurate picture of how to understand and work with the typical forms of resistance […]

Len Wilson, The Wired Church

Wilson, Len The Wired Church, Making Media Ministry

(CD-Rom included), (Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press, 1999), 176 pages, paperback, $19.95. Obtain from Abingdon Press, Nashville,TN.

Len Wilson is the staff at Ginghamsburg Church that is responsible for most of the in-house video support for worship. The book shares insights into many of the more practical issues facing […]

Tim Wright, The Prodigal Hugging Church

Wright, TimThe Prodigal Hugging Church

( Joy Resources, Ausburg Fortress, Minneapolis, MN, 2001) 63 pages, paperback. Obtain from Ausburg Fortress, Box 1209, Minneapolis, MN 55440.

By far the best case yet for the church unashamedly embracing culture in order to reach people for Christ. Tim Wright shows us how to evangelize by “hanging out” with the […]

Tim Wright, Contemporary Worship

Wright, TimContemporary Worship: A Sourcebook for Spirited-Traditional,

Contemporary Worship: A Sourcebook for Spirited-Traditional, Praise, and Seeker Services, (Abingdon Press, 1997) 187 pages, $19.95, Paperback. Obtain thru Abingdon Press, Nashville, TN 800-251-3320.

The title of the power packed resource book sums up whoever should read this book. Sixteen different authors fill this book with practical information. It […]