Anti-Terrorism Prescription

My wife (Dr. Kris T-B) and I go on a date on as many Fridays as possible. On our dates we go to lunch and catch a movie matinee. Last week we went to see Joyful Noise, which was a good movie and showed the church and the faith in a positive light (for […]

How Important is Christian Hospitality?

Perhaps you’ve noticed, our culture is often evaluating church in a negative fashion.  Church people are perceived as being hypocritical, looking very different in life expression than the claims from faith identity.  And, in a related way, the church message is received as irrelevant, out of touch with the reality of how faith intersects […]

You Are the Curriculum

Between the two of us Tom and I travel some 450+ days a year consulting with churches and speaking to large groups of leaders. So we hear a lot from a wife source. One question I hear often is “What is the best curriculum for equipping my people?”

When I give them my stock answer […]

You Are the Curriculum

Between the two of us Tom and I travel some 450+ days a year consulting with churches and speaking to large groups of leaders. So we hear a lot from a wife source. One question I hear often is “What is the best curriculum for equipping my people?”

When I give them my stock answer […]

Viola, Pagan Christianity

By Frank Viola and George Barna

Pagan Christianity is not only a logical sequence to Barna’s recent book, Revolution, it also is an interesting and accurate account of the historic events that have shaped today’s form of Christianity.

Four sections tell most of their story:

“Healthy organic churches never produce a clergy system, a single pastor, […]

The First Core Spiritual Habit: Pick up and Read

The first and typically most transformative spiritual habit is, surprisingly, scripture reading. I’m fond of saying “I’m a scientist’s son and a mainliner at heart,” so when I tell church leaders that if they’ll just start reading scripture regularly their lives will be transformed, they sometimes look at me as if I was from […]

Where I Am In Life and the Most Important Lesson I’ve Learned

Several friends have emailed me recently about my station in life and what my plans are for the future. Those who know me well know my health is fair for a 78 year old and that I’m finding it hard to sit on planes for very long (I’ve only been on a plane three […]

Following Jesus into the Mission Field

Those who follow my writing know I believe we are living in a pivotal period of history in which everything that will be is being separated from everything that was. In such a traumatic period, all the rules of the game of life are called into question.
Christianity and the Scriptures are the result of […]

To Tech or Not to Tech? That’s Not Even a Question Anymore

The latest blog post by Bill Easum sparked a number of lively conversations on both our LinkedIn and Facebook accounts. I started to reply there, but as my response grew, it seemed more appropriate to bring it here to the public forum.

The responses mostly included assertions that the church has become too focused or […]