Know the Competition

In my community, there are a couple of new church starts kicking off. One’s in my denomination and another is in a denomination not too dissimilar to mine.

I’ve met both pastors. They’re younger than I am. They have more energy than I have (barely!). And they both have denominational funding behind them.

But […]

Church Marketing

I didn’t used to be much of a blog reader, but after conversations with a couple of folk it became clear that blogging, reading, and responding are a social networker’s lifeblood … and since I always fancied myself as a social networker, I’ve started reading a couple. I was reading Glenn Kelley’s blog this […]


…a consultant to come along side you to help you uncover the path to mission success. Learn More Coaching How do the best, the brightest, and most effective leaders spell…

Radical Disciple Making: Session 03

Download Revised RDM Session 03 Handouts: CLICK HERE

Exponential 2014 Unfreezing Handout

Click here to access and download the PDF handout.

Mary Did You Know – A Merry Christmas

This Christmas I was introduced to the Pentatonixs (I know you probably knew about them earlier). What a great singing group, especially in a world where most music is slightly better than noise!

But it gets better. Have you heard their song “Mary did you know?” It’s one of the most beautiful and theologically sound […]

MUPresbytery Church Growth Seminar

Downloadable PPT Worksheets Session 01 Session 02 Session 03…


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Coventryville UMC Recommendation Presentation

    Recommendation report. Bill Tenny-Brittian Managing Partner The Effective Church Group. Click to Download Slide Files – PDF…