Church-Talk TV

Hosted by Drs. Bill and Kris Tenny-Brittian

30 minute live video training for all church leaders: Every Tuesday at 10 AM Central Time

Over 150 video training episodes available in the On Demand (Archive) section

Includes PDF small group discussion handouts

Downloadable episodes available as MP4 and MP3 podcasts

Recent Topics: leadership recruiting, church hospitality, conflict resolution, mission and […]

Shift Happens 2014

Our culture keeps on marching… and unfortunately, the North American church seems to fall further and further behind. I regularly begin church training exercises by showing the “Shift Happens” YouTube video that was initially uploaded back in 2008. The response to the video by the average layperson is typically shock … especially for those […]

Exponential 2014 Barriers Handout

Click here to access and download the Barriers handout.

Bringing People in Through the Side Doors, Charles Arn

Charles Arn talks about how growing church bring most people in through side doors rather than worship.

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Podcast: Four Reasons Some Churches See First-Time Visitors Almost Every Week

By Bill Tenny-Brittian
Five-minute podcast


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The Success Factor

When it comes to church leadership, there seems to be a word that sends more shivers of horror down their spines than the combination of Stephen King, M. Night Shyamalan, and Boris Karloff could ever pull off. Indeed, this word evokes a fear is so insidious that it’s paralyzing and many church leaders run […]

What Will It Take For Mainline Denominations To Grow Again?

Nobody will argue that mainline denominations are in decline. It doesn’t matter if the decline is 80 percent or 65 percent as suggested by a recent Barna study, mainline denominations are seeing fewer and fewer people in the pews. This decline begs a question – “What will it take to turn this decline around?”

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Stop Playing Pastor Fetch

🎶 Oh the games churches play now. 🎶

If you’re old enough to remember that old Joe South song (well, the original version anyway!), then you’ve been in ministry long enough to be familiar with the most popular game churches play with the pastor.

I call it pastor fetch.

I learned about pastor fetch early on […]