Post Covid-19 … A Look Forward – Part 02

Although the nation isn’t quite shut down during this national health crisis, it looks like it’s slowly grinding to a near-halt. So far, churches still seem to have a choice about meeting live and in person or not, but it’s pretty clear there’s a lot of social pressure from both outside and inside the […]

Attracting Men To Your Church

Some years ago, after reading David Murrow’s book, “Why Men Hate Going to Church”, I realized that most people assume that men are just less religious than women, but this is untrue. Other religions have little trouble attracting males and Jesus was a magnet to men. But today, few men are living for Christ, […]

Conversations You Can’t Ignore

Over the next few days I will be exploring some of the key conversations occurring within Western Christianity.

The Morphing Protestant Scene

We all know our world has radically changed over the past few decades. I first wrote about this change in 1993 in my book Dancing with Dinosaurs[i]. In my book, I described the change as a […]

Helping Kids Cope – Equipping Parents

As parents begin to struggle through the emotions brought on by Hurricane Katrina, it’s important to remember that children are also impacted by the scenes they see played out on television, the words they hear spoken and the pictures they glimpse in the paper.

“Children are often more aware of what’s happening than we realize,” […]

A Lesson in How to Be Hospitable to Strangers

In June I attended a workshop on “Managing Creativity” sponsored by Leadership Network and the Disney Institute in Orlando.  Although I didn’t get to see much of Disney during the day and half I attended the workshop, I was introduced to enough of it to have some interesting thoughts.  I first shared my initial […]

The Summer Express: What I’ve Learned from Locomotion

It’s always bothered me to spend months busting my backside to get an effective ministry launched in September/October only to have it roll to a virtual stop by mid-June. Sure, there are lots of excuses for the “summer slump,” but it turns out that most of these slumps happen because churches don’t just get […]

Back to Basics: Build Relationships

The second step in Jesus’ 5 step exponential church growth model is to build relationships (step 1 is to get some attention and increase your first-time visitor count).

This is part 2 of a five part series.

Most, but certainly not all, churches get a first-time visitor every now and then. And if you’re following the […]

Working Around the Pareto Leadership Principle

One of the most frequent concerns we hear, when working with congregational transformation, is “We don’t have enough people to do all the ministries.” Interestingly, when we investigate, we’ll hear these same words from both staff and volunteers – as well as from church members who are only marginally involved.

Using the Pareto Principle as […]

Six signs of a Spiritually Dead Church

By Bill Easum

For much of the past three decades, denominational officials have been promoting seminars and programs aimed at revitalizing the church. I know because I have been the speaker or consultant to many of these groups. For many of these leaders, their goal was to breathe new life into churches experiencing declining memberships […]