Five Things I Wish Every Small Group Leader Knew

By Bill Tenny-Brittian

In the North American House Church Movement there are all kinds of small group and House Church leaders, but we can pretty well divide them into two groups: Those with formal training (Bible college or seminary) and those without.  So far, in my experience and study, the ones without have far less […]

How to Undermine Church Leadership in One Easy Step

The church had done all the hard work of building a solid foundation. They identified their mission, vision, and values and they developed both membership and leadership covenants. It looked like they were ready to move to the next steps of growth.

Enter the nominating committee.

There were several leadership positions that needed to be filled, but few […]

Three Kinds of Church Members

A family left the church recently because they didn’t like one of the changes in worship. The pastor had been confronted by the board chair who demanded the pastor “Go after them and bring them back.” The pastor kept his cool and gently sidestepped the confrontation, but gave me (his coach) a call the […]

Reflections on St. Luke’s United Methodist Church

In the spring of 1993, Dr. Carver McGriff retired after 26 years as Senior Pastor of St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Indianapolis, Indiana. When he became Senior Pastor in 1967 there were about 900 members and when he retired 26 years later there were about 3800 members and on average attendance of 1800. […]

Ten Tips for Using Your Newsletter to Grow Your Church

The fact is, most church newsletters do little to nothing to help grow a church… in fact, many church newsletters we’ve reviewed may be a part of the reason why a church isn’t growing.

Here are a couple of do’s and don’ts to help you develop a newsletter that will at least aid your church […]

When Love Came to Town

Valentine Day is an annual commemoration held on February 14 celebrating love and affection between intimate companions. For many people it is merely a time to exchange cards, and if a guy is especially smart he gets flowers for his girl or lady. The practice began in the 6th century and continues to this day. […]

Leadership Tips

Here are some things I’m seeing and some comments on books I’ve read all of which point up some leadership tips.

Tip One

I continue to see churches that add an indigenous service to their Sunday schedule and in two or three years it is the largest church. I just got an email from Bedford Church […]

Three Ways to Faith

The following are my thoughts on a small section of Chuck Smith’s book, The End of The World….As We Know It (Waterbrook Press, 2001). I wholeheartedly recommend this book.

Modernity had a way of seeing everything alike, even the way people came to faith. As a result, much of established Christianity made an attempt to […]

Bil Cornelius Has a New Book

My friend Bil Cornelius, pastor of Bay Area Fellowship in Corpus Christi, has a new book out, I Dare You to Change!  I haven’t read it yet, but I will soon and I’ll let you know the verdict. But knowing him, I have a feeling it will be really good.

Bill Easum