Judge Not? Not!!

“You can’t judge me!” It was a church member who was saying that as the pastor gently explained that their unseemly behavior at the previous board meeting had been unacceptable.

“Judge not” has become the rallying cry for tolerating bullies and terrorists in the church because, well, it just doesn’t seem right to “judge” […]

How to Encourage Youth to Participate in Church

By Guest Writer Riley Jarman

One challenge facing the church today is a decrease in youth participation in church activities. A recent survey found that in Protestant worship alone, up to two-thirds of young people aged eighteen to twenty-two stopped going to church. Nearly all the respondents cited life changes like starting college or work […]

Breaking Through Barriers

Jackie Robinson Day is a traditional event which occurs annually in Major League Baseball, commemorating and honoring the day Jackie Robinson made his major league debut. April 15 was Opening Day in 1947, Robinson’s first season in the Major Leagues. Initiated for the first time on April 15, 2004, Jackie Robinson Day honors Robinson’s […]

The Antidote to the Pride of Life

As church leaders today, we face the same trials, temptations and traps that all who have come before us were subjected to.  These are identified in 1 John 2:17 by the Apostle John as,” the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.” Scripture also teaches us that […]

Dinosaurs to Rabbits: Chapter 04 – Introduction

Radical Discipleship

Let me ask you a question – Do you consider every person in your congregation to be a potential neighborhood missionary? If you do, you’re well on your way to being part of a multiplication ministry because multiplication ministry is not so much about you as it is what you cause to happen […]

The Last Easum Event … Really

Someone asked me yesterday if this is really going to be my last event or was it just promotion. Hmmm. No one has ever heard me say anything like “this is my last event” before. At 79, it is the last one, I assure you. So, I wouldn’t wait for the next one because […]

Choose Wisely in the Game of LIFE

Do you remember the Milton Bradley board game from the 1960’s called “The Game of LIFE?”  At the beginning of the game as you turn the distinctive spinner you are confronted with two choices. You must choose to either go directly into business or go to college. For some reason as a kid playing […]

Worship Evangelism

According to several contacts I’ve had over the past two years, both in the U.S. and outside of In our country, worship evangelism seems to be increasingly the worship of choice. By worship evangelism is just the opposite of seeker sensitive worship. It means that one of the goals of worship is for the […]

Happy Thanksgiving

 Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV)

Thanksgiving for the Christian is not just a holiday, I believe it is a Holy-day commemorating Christian pilgrim people who sought a new life in a new world where they could freely worship […]