Arn, Win and Charles, The Master’s Plan for Making Disciples

(Baker Books, 1998) 175 pages, paperback, $10.99. Obtain from Baker Book House Co., P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49516-6287.

This may be the last book on evangelism you need on your bookshelf. The book is based on one assumption: The most effective was as well as the New Testament way to make disciples is […]


When I talk to pastors a common phrase I hear is ‘getting back to normal’. That is never going to happen. Because of the very nature of change, things are never going back to whatever you think normal was. I also hear pastors mention ‘a new normal’. Forget about it. Churches should never conform […]

Setting SMART Goals

Over the years, I’ve come to understand that when we talk about making plans in the church, we may not be speaking the same language. What I call mission may or may not be what you call mission. And the same goes for vision, strategies, tactics, and goals. the definitions for these terms are […]

The Small Church

I begin with a disclaimer – I don’t believe the size of a church has any merit in the Kingdom. Neither do I believe a small church (under 200 in worship) or a large church has any advantages over the other. They both are called of God to perform the same mission … to carry […]

Everything Must Change

By Brian McLaren

As are all of McLaren’s book, Everything Must Change is extremely well written and researched prose bordering at times on poetry. His theme is simple yet profound – unless everything changes in our approach to the suicidal systems story that drives today’s world life on this planet isn’t sustainable. He argues for Christians to believe a […]

Your First Impression Greeters

This is Part Two of a Three Part series on effective hospitality. (Part 1)

Help your greeting team to understand the importance of the first impression that they make on your guests. These non-paid ministers on your greeting team are at the heart of your church’s growth. Invest time in training them to offer appropriate […]

Charles Van Engen, God’s Missionary People

Van Engen, Charles God’s Missionary People: Rethinking The Purpose of the Local

(Grand Rapids, MI, Baker Books, 2001) 223 pages, paperback, $16.99. Obtain from Baker Books, P.O. Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI 49516-6287.

Van Engen has hit a home run. His view of the relationship of the church to mission is clear and compelling. The author […]

Penny Wise, Pound Foolish

You may have noticed there’s a recession … or at least some sort of a downturn in the economy. The price of gas is up. The price of utilities is up, and they say it’s going to get worse. The price of food is up. And with all of that, giving isn’t all that […]

Another Myth Buster – “We Are Becoming Two Churches”

Your response to my blog post “Looking for Myth Busters” has been good.  In fact, I have received more personal email than responses on my blog. Here is one response by email that adds one more critical myth that we need to deal with:  “WE’RE NOW TWO CHURCHES SINCE WE STARTED THAT #@%$@ CONTEMPORARY […]