Top Six Tacticle Mistakes a Church Makes

Almost twenty years of consulting with more than 30 denominations has allowed me to see some common tactical mistakes made by church leaders. Although I have seen many mistakes, six stand out as the most common tactical mistakes made by church leaders (I have ranked them according to the damage they can do to […]

UMC Portal Report

My tribe just conducted a survey of 36,000 United Methodist Churches (UMCs) only to find what many of us have been teaching for over two decades. Here is a quote from the report from the UM Portal survey.

“United Methodist congregations that are thriving have a few things in common—whether large or small, urban or […]

Dispelling the Three Big Small Group Myths

Over the years I’ve noticed three huge myths about small groups. These three myths are so pervasive and powerful that they have caused churches to avoid initiating small group systems. And when a church fails in its attempt at developing small groups that multiply, most likely the culprit is one of these three myths. […]

Turn Water into Wine … or at Least Turn Your To-Do Lists into Done

You’ve got the vision. You’ve got the mission-critical goals. Now, what you need is the time management strategy to make it all happen. In a world where pastors are expected to be spiritual leaders, counselors, and administrators, time is your most valuable asset. Let’s talk about how to prioritize it effectively.

The ABCDE of Time […]

Committees and How to Get Rid of Them

Assuming you have a mission, vision, and values statement, or core values, or purpose statement, begin asking a series of questions:”What committees do we have that are not doing anything that helps these statements?” Eliminate them. Next, “What committees during the past year did not do anything?” Eliminate them. Then, “What committees did not […]

A Kingdom Mindset Is What We Need

A Kingdom Mindset is What We Need

By: Bill Easum

The other day a church planter told me “Now that we are up and running and growing we’ve had several churches in the area say: ‘Hey, it looks like we’re in competition now.’ No one seemed to worry about us when we were just starting but […]

Make Meetings Matter

One of the biggest complaints we hear from committee chairs is that their committee members don’t come to the scheduled meetings. When we hear that, we almost always know that the primary issue isn’t about having a bunch of members who are slackers without integrity. We tell the committee chair, “The reason your members […]

Interviewing Key Community Leaders

For the week of October 03, 2005


Interviewing Key Community Leaders

By: Paul Nickerson

As congregations begin to discern a ‘calling” to reach out to new and different groups in the community, one helpful strategy is to interview leaders in the community that are already working with that particular micro-culture. This process can help to deepen the […]

On the Verge Update

Well, I finally found time to finish On the Verge by Alan Hirsch and Dave Ferguson.  So I thought I would update my earlier post.

This book is a jewel. By the title one can assume the authors sense that Western Christianity is on the verge of something big – an apostolic movement of gigantic potential for […]