Things I learned at the 2011 National Evangelism Workshop

Another one’s in the books and the Nashville NEW 2011 appears to have been a success on many levels. Since many of you weren’t able to make this year’s event, I thought I’d share some of the things I picked up from the event.

One of the highlights was Ed Stetzer’s keynote address. He used […]

Messages from Randy: Spiritual Rituals

I, Randy, woke up this morning a little weary.  The rain from last night was pounding against the air conditioner unit in my back bedroom window.  The “ping ping” of the rain “bullets” hitting the metal backing of the air conditioner had a certain rhythm throughout the night that, at first, was pleasing to […]

Black Friday

The term “Black Friday” began to be used in the 1960s mostly in the east, but since 2000 it has caught on across the country. The term refers to the day when retailers make their move to being in “the black” financially. Yeah, we all know that people go crazy the day after Thanksgiving – it must […]

Mack, Michael, The Pocket Guide to Burn-Out Free Small Group Leadership

Michael Mack is the founder of and  has been a long term player in the small group game.
Michal Mack has given us one of the most helpful and practical books on how to organize a small group ministry so your leaders won’t burn out. In this book he demonstrates how to team shepherd rather than lead […]

What Have You Done for Me Lately

By Bill Easum (2007)

“Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and […]

Bullies and Terrorists and Controllers, O My!

The other day, Heidi responded to my post on Expected Behaviors. She noticed I used the terms “Bully” and “Terrorist” and asked what the difference was … and what to do about them if they’re in your church.

Over the years, I’ve come to know four different kinds of people in the church. Disciples of […]

Threat Level Orange …

The other day, Heidi responded to my post on Expected Behaviors. She noticed I used the terms “Bully” and “Terrorist” and asked what the difference was … and what to do about them if they’re in your church.

Over the years, I’ve come to know four different kinds of people in the church. Disciples of […]

“I’m Not Being Spiritually Fed!”

When I served as a pastor – and in almost every church I served – one of the complaints I occasionally heard was that someone wasn’t being spiritually fed. Apparently, that’s not a new problem. Paul addressed the issue with the Corinthians and the writer of Hebrews addressed it as well. Apparently, those who complained […]

The Signs of the Times

From time to time I write an article on what my travels across the U.S. are teaching me. It has been awhile since I have shared my observations, so I thought I would pass on a few of the major trends I am seeing that I think will change the shape of things to […]